My November Challenges so Far

Who knew writing would be the easier challenge of the month?

Cami Baker Miller
3 min readNov 2, 2019

Last week I had my tarot cards read. I had questions and I just love that kind of guidance. It feeds my inquisitive nature and helps me strengthen my intuitive side. I have never had my cards professionally read before, but after a girl’s evening with my friend Jenny (and wine), and hearing her experience — it involved a disgruntled grandmother from beyond, a wild goose chase through the cemetery, and a grave with no headstone — I decided to follow in her footsteps and have a reading done myself.

I went in with questions about how to smudge my house properly (the actual smudging is a story for a whole other day). And questions about how to live with a grumpy teenage girl-child (the key is not to fix her, but to change my responses to how she behaves. Hmmmm. Think I’ve heard that one before.) I really thought I would have to make an appointment and come back, but it just so happened that she had a slot before her first scheduled reading that day.

So what’s going on with your health?

I’m not going to go into crazy detail about everything I learned. It would take a looooong time, and I really just wanted to say all of the above to say this: she told me I had been neglecting my health. And maybe I…



Cami Baker Miller

Artist. Writer. Cancer Thriver. Prolific F-Bomb Dropper. Joy Seeker. Love Activist. Epic Encourager.