Project 3: Monument + Sensation

Camila Gutierrez
2 min readApr 10, 2024


In my Photoshop-animated remake of a viral cat video, I aim to explore the intricate dynamics of our contemporary culture of sensationalism. Cats, often regarded as internet icons, embody a peculiar intersection of fascination, absurdity, and ubiquitous accessibility within our digital landscape. Through this project, I delve into the multifaceted layers of our collective obsession with the trivial and the sensational. I manipulated and reimagined the original footage, inviting viewers to reconsider their relationship with online content and the broader cultural implications of our digital habits. By utilizing Photoshop animation techniques, I disrupt the seamless flow of the original video, introducing distortions and sketchy elements.

Furthermore, the choice of a cat video as the subject matter is significant. Cats have become symbols of internet culture, their images and antics endlessly circulated and consumed across social media platforms. In remaking a “Surprised Kitty”, which has garnered 79 million views on Youtube, I aim to highlight the absurdity of our obsession with trivial content, as well as the underlying mechanisms of virality and online fame. Through humor and irony, I encourage viewers to interrogate their own participation in perpetuating this culture of sensationalism, inviting them to consider the broader implications of their digital consumption habits. Ultimately, my Photoshop animated video remake serves as a playful yet thought-provoking exploration of our contemporary culture of sensationalism. By reimagining a viral cat video through a critical lens, I hope to inspire viewers to reflect on the ways in which we engage with and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of online media.

  1. How did the choice of a viral cat video as the subject matter impact your interpretation of the piece?
  2. I chose to emit the background from the original video because it didn’t feel relevant but would it have been better to include it?
  3. Are the movements in both the hands and cat clear enough to understand?

