Camila Borghetti
4 min readJul 27, 2016

How to start a green-event initiative

First of all, I would say: Educate your customers. The event life is full of glamor, food, beverages, entertainment, content and important guests. The guests are always the focus of any event. Behind the scene we have the organizers, speakers, volunteers, servers, assistants, cleaners and chefs working together to provide an amazing experience for customers. All of them, workers and guests, are very important for a successful and amazing event. All of them are also very important for a green event.

The Canadian Government website describes CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as “the voluntary activities undertaken by a company to operate in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable manner.” The event industry is responsible for suggesting practices for business to avoid waste and to promote a green event among their clients.

The 2015 Cone Communications/Ubiquity CRS Study shows that customers are rewarding companies for their social and environmental initiatives with 90% trust, 88% loyalty, and 93% positive image. One of the most important data showed in this study is that 80% of the customers are willing to buy a product from a company that has strong social and environmental commitment. it is necessary that this responsibility is in every single activity the company is promoting and developing.

The guests are always the major focus of an event. However, they are not always aware of how an event would be more socially responsible and what are the little things that they can to to help to reduce waste of products and money. Educate your guests is part of the hard work that will reflect in the waste minimization. The recycling and composting efforts are the most common initiatives are a very important start, however, the reduction of waste has to be considered in every detail.

Here are some precious tips for events’ attendees focused on green initiatives for guests and hosts:

Napkins, glasses, and plates — One or two napkins are perfectly fine to help a customer with the cleaning needs. There is no need for a customer to get a new napkin every time an Hour D’oeuvres come around. In some extreme situations is fine for a guest to renew the napkin, but as more as the guest can use the same napkin, glass, plate or cutlery, easier it will be to reduce the waste. This is a matter of education. Instructions to the event staff supervisors can do a good job and some messaging to the guests will help to educate them about future events. When the guest avoids changing glasses, plates, and cutlery less material needs to be rented, washed and used in an event, reducing costs and the use of water and transport.

Drinks — When taking a bottle of water, make sure you keep it with you and take it home if necessary. A lot of just-opened bottles of water are found around a venue and they can not be used. Good water and unnecessary bottles going straight to the garbage. Other beverages are wasted when people do not keep an eye on their glasses. Servers are usually oriented to clean every single glass left behind, obligating the guest to get a new drink. The bottle re-filling service is a smart way to avoid waste, once the client will keep track of the glass.

Food — It is important to avoid touching food that is not going to be consumed by guests. The hour D’oeuvres service is always more efficient than the buffet style. People feel more comfortable serving themselves and it makes the food be consumed and not wasted. It is important that the guest avoids leaving food behind.

Printed Materials — Most of the events need some printed material to be given to attendees. A smart idea is to make sure every attendee has a kit with all the material that is necessary for not to have lost and disposable material around the venue. When the guest receives a personal material he tends to save it and be more careful than when it is left for him to help himself.

Sharing — The Millennium seems to be the most familiar generation with the sharing idea. The availability for sharing opportunities is very intelligent and it is considered a big trend for the future.

RSVP — The organizers need to be on top of the guest list. It is necessary to make sure how many people are coming in order to reduce staff, food, and material. It is not only a green initiative that avoids waste with the material, but also a way not to waste unnecessary money.

Decoration — Avoid natural flowers and use more green, dry or artificial decoration. Alternative for using a less natural decoration can be easily found and it will be a smart way to reduce our footprint.

Venue — Choosing the venue also contributes to the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. A variety of locations is currently implementing a variety of initiatives regarding service and recycling initiatives that are important for a green environment. Choosing a venue that provides natural light and strict rules for recycling are growing and be aware of it is always a good idea to go green.

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