Journal Prompts || In February…

Journal Prompts for the second month of 2022

Camile Minerbo
3 min readFeb 1, 2022
Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

We all want to better ourselves and are constantly looking for ways to do that. And I’m all up for it.

However, how often do we look inwards to kickstart that journey?

This is a huge part of my work: helping people go within to find their own answers. There is so much noise externally and, more often than not, we dim our inner wisdom to rely on what others think it’s aligned for us.

After reflecting on this for a bit, I came up with a way to help you dig inwards every month: monthly journal prompts.

From now on, at the beginning of each month, you can expect new journal prompts from me to help you expand into your most aligned and soulful version of self.

Soulful Journal Prompts’ Purpose

The purpose of them will be to review the previous month, reflect on how you were (or weren’t) aligned with your intuition, and how/what you can change moving forward. It will be about creating a life led by your SOUL-Self, allowing yourself to BE guided instead of (trying to) maneuver life with your mind.

Because my purpose is to realign you with your intuition, these journal prompts will always have this underlying characteristic to them (you can think of it as your monthly Soul/Intuition check-in!). So, instead of this just being about goals, it will be about something much deeper.

If you’re down for it, let’s dive right in:

February Soulful Journal Prompts

// taking inventory

In January:

  • What was the main decision I made with my INTUITION? And what was the main decision I made with my MIND?
  • Did I feel as if I was making myself small when deciding with my MIND?
  • What were the unfoldings of the decision made by intuition, and what were the unfoldings of when I made it with the mind?
  • Why did I make this decision with my mind? Why didn’t I trust myself and my intuition enough to choose otherwise?
  • When choosing with intuition, what were the feelings and emotions involved? How did I feel more like myself when choosing it?
  • I was grateful for _________

// moving forward

In February:

  • How can I become more aware of where I am coming from (intuition vs. mind)?
  • What are the practices I can implement daily to make my intuition a priority?
  • I am ready to let go of _________
  • I am ready to bring more of _________
  • How can I celebrate myself for my accomplishments?
  • How can I be more gentle on myself this coming month?

Remember that change happens in baby steps. Every grain of sand matters for the big castle (the best version of yourself) that you’re building. Go through the journal prompts slowly and with so much self-compassion.

Happy reconnecting :)




Camile Minerbo

Just a tiny human obsessed about understanding other tiny humans inner worlds & empowering them to live life on their own terms | Intuition | Spirituality