Blockchain for Dummies: Part 1

Camille A.
2 min readJul 20, 2018


Unchaining the complex for non-techies

Blockchain. The beloved buzzword now used by most CEO’s, crazed investors and my grandparents — but what exactly is blockchain?

You’ll hear phrases like “ THE Solution!” or “The Next Internet!” — but is it a hyped word or a revolutionary solution?

Let’s dive into it.

An overly simple breakdown of blockchain: a block and a chain. Each block contains a list of records and many blocks linked together create a chain.

Okay, so what are these records? Records are anything that document a transaction of any economic value e.g transfer of money.

That’s it? So what makes blockchain unique? Here’s where it get’s interesting. A blockchain operates as a decentralized and distributed ledger. Decentralized meaning, well, a lot of things: inclusive participation (anyone anywhere can join), efficiency (no middle man) and a consensus (everyone must approve transaction). Each transaction is distributed across a network of independent computers, also known as nodes. And finally the Ledger being a recording of all transactions. Together, these elements create a recording system that is non-corruptible: transactions cannot be modified or deleted. See Figure 1 below.

Source: Coin Jolt

In the next article we will discuss who makes up this network, why its decentralized and if it really is unhackable.

Hope this helps!




Camille A.

Texan. Tech Analyst. Crypto Curious. I also discuss crypto on instagram, check me out: @bitsizedata