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Your Path To Creativity

How I’m using new words to take me to new worlds.

Cameron Engle
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2020


You might be more creative than you think. And you can be more creative than you are. Thankfully, we can grow our creative ability. And we need to because if we aren’t, we’re selling ourselves short and coming up empty.

The Need For Creativity

The world forces us to troubleshoot in a moment. It demands we make judgments in an instant. If you struggle to be creative, you can feel at a loss. Not only is creativity crucial for survival, but it is also topping the charts for desired traits in the workplace.

In our world today, creativity is king. And if you’re not growing your creative ability, you’re getting left behind. Sadly, most of us are looking for creativity in the wrong place.

The Problem With Your Creativity

We regard creativity as a matter of the heart. Which, of course, it is. Right? Somewhere hidden deep within the labyrinth of the subconscious is this swirling pool of genius waiting to be discovered. But labyrinths are meant to confuse you, and they suck to navigate (according to the movies).

But growing research is showing how creativity is also a matter of the head. This suggests your creative block might be more in your…

