The Benefits of Outsourcing Lawn Care Services|Advantages of Hiring A Professional Lawn Care Service|Practical Gains of Contracting Lawn Care Services

campbell jason
3 min readDec 14, 2017


Owning a house and a spacious lawn can only mean two things, when it comes to the issue of lawn care, either you have the time to maintain or improve further your lawn or you have the financial resources to hire or outsource for a professional lawn care company to do the job of regular maintenance on your spacious lawn. More and more homeowners are deviating from the traditional chore of lawn caring, so that a new crop of homeowners, nowadays, find that outsourcing or hiring a professional lawn care company is more beneficial for them, especially when it comes to giving the time and effort for their lovely lawn, therefore, as long as they can source out the right comprehensive service package offered by a professional lawn care company, they are just as willing to pay for the service for as long as their lawn will be neatly cared for, as well as in good condition. Read more great facts on East Lansing lawn care, click here.

As homeowner, even if you have entrusted your lawn into the professional hands of a lawn care service company, make time to discuss with them their comprehensive lawn care services, so that you can seriously weigh down the beneficial points that can be gained from contracting their services, which include the following: lawn fertilization, grub and pest control, disease management, lawn renovation and restoration, aeration, over-seeding and slit-seeding. Part of the comprehensive package of a professional lawn care company is to require their in-house arborist to conduct an assessment of the homeowner’s lawn property and make recommendations, based on his evaluation, as to what treatment options should be undertaken and the number of applications of these treatments to ensure that the health condition of the homeowner’s lawn is preserved. For more useful reference regarding lawn care Lansing, have a peek here.

Know that when it comes to lawn fertilization, the ripe season to do this is during the late summer and fall since at this time the grasses have recovered from the summer heat causing the lawn to experience drought and disease, such that if the lawn has been properly fertilized during these seasons, the grasses can begin to store up carbohydrate nutrients in their stems, rhizomes, and stolons, to help the grasses resist the winter cold temperatures and disease, as well as serving as energy for the roots to grow the following spring. If your lawn has been diagnosed as infested by a certain disease by a trained arborist, a treatment plan will be the next step upon identifying what the disease is and usually this takes a combination of the following processes: fertilization, herbicides, lawn aeration, frequent mowing, watering schedules. While it may cost much for a homeowner to contract a professional lawn care company to take care for his lawn, but the benefits he can get out of this outsourcing option are the following: there is continuous service throughout the changing seasons, house calls for treatment and weed inspection are free, various treatment applications will ensure for a healthy lawn, company’s service technicians are professionals and licensed.

