CampusCoin Project Progress Report #10

CampusCoin sees rapid increase in social media volume as community strengthens. Latest News section added to CampusCoin website. Results of last weeks bounties are in.

CampusCoin Project
4 min readJan 12, 2018

CampusCoin social media pages see large spike in followers.

The influx of social media followers increases as CMPCO gains traction. Official CampusCoin social media pages have seen massive increases in the number of followers per page the past week, and it is all thanks to you! Our official social media pages have seen an increase of 45% in their follower base on average this week alone. We are proud to announce that our community Discord channel has achieved its’ first user volume goal, eclipsing the 1000 member mark. Similarly, our Telegram community has grown to over 500 members while our twitter closes in on 1750 followers. Our team has noticed countless members of our community spreading the word about CampusCoin and promoting our media pages to their followers. For those who have been doing this day-in and day-out, we sincerely thank you. The CampusCoin team will continue to reward those who are committed to promoting our vision, as you are the driving force behind our project. The growth we have experienced since the start of 2018 is tremendous and we hope it continues exponentially. If our community continues to spread our vision via their social media pages, there is nothing that will stop us.

The CampusCoin Project Development team adds Latest News section to official website.

Medium Reports and Educational News Video’s all in one place!

Latest News page by H7 Designs

The CampusCoin community has made it clear that our weekly progress reports are needed to ensure our project remains transparent and our users remain updated. For this reason, the CampusCoin Project team has made the decision to add a Latest News tab to our website. This tab will give our users direct access to our Medium Progress Reports as well as other important news stories that are related to the crypto world. If you wish to have an article posted on our page, please feel free to contact us.

Results of last weeks Crypto-101 and Wallet Tutorial Video bounties are in.

Last week, the CampusCoin Project team announced that we would be running a one week bounty for our community rewarding the top Crypto-101 and Wallet Walk-Through videos that were submitted via Discord.

Crypto-101 Video by Jasper

Crypto-101: We had multiple submissions for the Crypto-101 video contest, but unfortunately we can only chose one as the winner. The CampusCoin team is proud to announce that Jasper from our community Discord channel was chosen as the winner of the bounty. Please message CampusCoin Dev on Discord to receive your reward.

Wallet Tutorial Video: Unfortunately, the CampusCoin team received no submissions for the Wallet Tutorial Video bounty to this date. Rather than abandoning this bounty, we have decided to extend it by 7 days as we wish to use this as an opportunity to reward a member of our community for their graphic design skills. This is the last week that the Wallet Tutorial Video bounty will be available to the public. Information about this bounty can be found below:

Modified bounty from Medium Report 9

NOTE: Only one video will be declared the winner of the 10,000 CMPCO. Winning videos will be posted on our official site and recognition will be given to the creators.

Legal Notice: Any information uploaded to CampusCoin shall be sent knowing that upon reception of this information, CampusCoin has the right to use the material in whole or in part for the expansion and betterment of CampusCoin.

For any questions concerning these new bounties, please contact us.

Development Updates:

  • Paper wallet source code has been pushed to
  • Bot translation development continues
  • Tip bot in progress for community Discord channel
  • Addition of Latest News section to our website
  • Proof-of-Stake research/development continues
  • Meet-the-Team page development begins
  • App development continues
  • Telegram bot nears completion

Marketing Updates:

  • CampusCoin social media accounts experience large increases in volume (see below)
  • Jasper from community Discord channel wins Crypto-101 video bounty
  • Wallet Tutorial Video bounty extended by one week
  • CampusCoin Discord passed 1,000 members
  • CampusCoin Telegram passed 500 members
  • Campus Ambassador of the month to be announced at end of January
  • CampusCoin clothing set to be available by end of January

Media Expansion Statistics

Time Period: 1/5/2017 to 1/12/2017

Our team apologizes for the gap between this report and the last. We have been developing our product and our team behind the scenes vigorously. All will be brought into the light when legally and ethically possible. Just rest assured knowing we have been active and growing. We will be recapping the National Championship marketing experience, revealing new partners, and introducing the community to our team in upcoming Medium Reports, so stay tuned!

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston S. Churchill


CampusCoin Co-Founder


