CampusCoin Project Progress Report #8

The CampusCoin Project team would like to welcome everyone to 2018! This report will summarize important tasks for the first fiscal quarter (JAN-MAR).

CampusCoin Project
4 min readJan 2, 2018

Technological Development Plan Summary Q1 2018

  • App Testing: The CampusCoin Project team’s most pressing technological task for the first quarter of 2018 is the development of the Alpha version of the CampusCoin App. Though exact release date is not set in stone, this version will be released to a small private community and will be used for testing purposes only. Look for more information concerning release dates in upcoming reports.
  • Whitepaper: The CampusCoin whitepaper is set to be made public shortly after initial app release, as our team will be simultaneously developing the whitepaper as the Alpha version of our app is being made. Our whitepaper will be a living document, meaning parts of it will continually change as the CampusCoin project expands, while other aspects of the document will not change. After its’ release, any updates to the whitepaper will be communicated through our weekly reports released on all CampusCoin medias.
  • Exchange Expansion: The CampusCoin team will also focus on gaining acceptance to various new exchanges with hopes of increasing worldwide exposure of CMPCO. Our team wishes to make it clear that we will not comment on which exchanges we have contacted until both our team and the exchange’s team agree upon the proper time to release this information, as we do not want false correlations to an exchange to bring unwarranted attention to our team nor theirs. Any information about CMPCO gaining access to an exchange that is not released directly by our team or by an exchange itself should be disregarded.

Marketing Development Plan Summary Q1 2018

  • Campus Ambassador Program: The main marketing focus for the CampusCoin project during the first quarter of 2018 is the expansion and development of our Campus Ambassador Program. We currently have approximately 58 Ambassadors who have been accepted to the program and have plans to increase that number to at least 100 before the end of March. Expect frequent Ambassador Program updates in future reports including potential bounties and material needed to spread our vision.
  • Meet the Team page: We have listened to our community and have made releasing our Meet the Team page as a top priority for quarter one. We wish to be as transparent as possible and never intended to hide ourselves from you. By reading our Medium reports, some names and positions within the CampusCoin Project team can be found. We have been busy developing what we believe to be a world changing idea. Full details concerning our team as well as our team’s advisers will be released on our site soon.
  • Find Launch School: The CampusCoin Project team plans to use quarter one of 2018 to locate a school that will be used as the initial launching ground for the CampusCoin app. Details of schools that have been contacted as well as schools to be contacted cannot be released at the present time. Similar to our policy for gaining acceptance to new exchanges, we do not wish to bring unwarranted attention to any school based on speculative information. We will release information as it becomes acceptable to do so.
  • CampusCoin Sponsored Event: The CampusCoin Project team aims to break ground in the United States in quarter 1 of 2018 and host its’ first CampusCoin sponsored event(s). Though exact information concerning this task cannot legally be released yet, look for updates in upcoming reports.

This information can also be viewed here.

Development Updates:

  • Block reward reduction update was successful
  • All three CMPCO block explorers are active (1, 2, 3)
  • Official CMPCO pool, CampusPool, is now available
  • Discord bot development continues
  • Bot translations to be added over the next few weeks
  • App development continues
  • Wallet walk-through video to be released in upcoming report

Marketing Updates:

  • AMA with global marketing partner (expect update in upcoming report)
  • Full time Partnership with KwK Designs in the works (Graphic Design)
  • End of Year Bounty Program a success
  • Campus Ambassador of the Month to begin
  • CampusCoin clothing distribution plan nears completion
  • CMPCO store coming soon.

Media Expansion Statistics

Time Period: 12/24/2017 to 12/30/2017

Thank you to everyone who has continually supported us, we will not let you down! With any questions concerning the contents of this report, please feel free to contact us.


CampusCoin Co-Founder


