About Cameron M. Williams


Meet Cameron M. Williams — The Morale Builder of the Next Generation.

Cameron was originally born in Greenville, NC, and raised in Grifton, NC. The 252 area code native was raised by his mother who was a 21-year-old undergraduate student attending North Carolina State University (NC State). At a younger age, he was unaware of how he could use his creativity to fuel his passions & purpose, but as he got older he was able to see life through a different lens: the lens of entrepreneurship. Cameron is a leader who has been dubbed “The Morale Builder of the Next Generation” due to his ability to build team morale & chemistry within a business. He is highly skilled at storytelling, pitching business concepts, leadership development, critical thinking & customer acquisition.

Cameron started his first college semester at North Carolina A&T in Greensboro, North Carolina at age seventeen. Unfortunately for Cameron, he wasn’t prepared for what came with being a college student: learning to be fully self-accountable, effective time management plus having all the freedom he could ever dream of plus more. He had the perfect opportunity, but lacked the discipline to capitalize! A poor start to his freshman year caused him to LOSE his merit scholarship funding from the university, leaving him in a position where he had no choice but to switch things up.

Since then, Cameron has worked continuously to build his entrepreneurial skillset AND mindset to build the way of life that he knows is possible. His journey as an entrepreneur continues to be written, including experiences in the fashion industry, consumer goods industries & sales. He is also an author, with his first literary work “20 Lessons in 20 Years: A Young Person’s Guide to Building Positive Momentum in Life” being a self-help book geared toward teens & young adults looking to build positive momentum & habits in their lives.

Cameron is a son and older brother who believes in turning your dreams into goals & reality.

Fins out more about Cameron here:


