How to deep clean your upholstery professionally?

Canadian Elite Carpet Cleaning
2 min readDec 7, 2019


Stains can easily damage your beautiful upholstery furniture. You need to hire professionals to remove the stains properly.

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Christmas is just knocking the door. Everybody is highly excited in this biggest festival. Hope you are also planning to celebrate Christmas in your home but after the party you may find stains on your beautiful upholstery furniture. Never let the stains ruin it. Hire a professional upholstery cleaning service in Fort St John for cleaning your carpet properly.

1. Vacuuming: Surely, your upholstery is filled with dust and micro particles just after Christmas party. Expert vacuuming helps a lot. For cleaning out the surface dust, experts mostly use an advanced vacuum cleaner. At first, they turn the machine on and smoothly move the cleaning handle on the surface. The vacuum cleaner can deeply soak up the dust from the fibre. After that, pros clean the surface with a soft brush for cleaning the remaining dust.

2. Kicks out the stains: After the Christmas party, your upholstery may absorb a number of stains such as red wines, chocolates, smashed cakes, wax and more. If they are not removed then they will kill your beautiful upholstery. So, after vacuuming, experts clean the upholstery with a specific stain cleaner. They just gently spray the stain cleaner on the stained area and blot with a clean cloth. They generally select the sofa cleaner base on the type of a fiber.

3. Set up the deep upholstery cleaner: Once the experts have removed unwanted stains and spills, they generally use a deep upholstery cleaner for cleaning. A deep cleaner is a machine that is very ideal for cleaning tough odors. Major components of this machine are Heating unit, water chamber, solution tank, discharge nozzle, cleaning handle, cleaning brush, pump etc. In this machine, a certain amount of warm water and a special upholstery cleaner are utilized. In this step, experts set up the deep upholstery cleaner by filling the tank with a particular amount of water and detergent. After that, turn the machine on.

4. Cleans the upholstery with the cleaner: Experts turn on the machine first and then clean the upholstery starting from a corner. They slowly move the the cleaning handle one the surface and clean the upholstery with care. Experts always clean every portion of the surface. The warm cleaning solution can remove all impurities effectively. After cleaning, experts dry your upholstery with a blower or a high speed fan.

In this way experts can steam clean your carpet effectively. DIY cleaning never gives you the best result. So, it’s better to leave the job to the experts. Their cleaning techniques will surely help to deep clean the carpet and restore back the original look.



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