The Why’s and How’s of Mobile SEO Marketing

3 min readJul 20, 2018


We are in the world of the smartphone today where the entire world is practically squeezed in our palms. We can research, create, document, capture and can even advertise all across the internet with the click on a tiny button. Now, you can shop and even make your virtual board meeting and client meetings happen across the smart phone. This is the power of today’s small phone.

You check your websites on the smartphone more now and not on the desktop. Keeping this critical aspect in mind we have to make our website’s development compatible with settings of the smartphone so that the websites open just perfectly the way they open on the desktop. Yes, it does require a little tricky programming in Java or PWA to handle a possible Android or IOS phone, but it’s all worth it

SEO mobile marketing, creating the buzz

However, one mind boggling aspect that must be coming to everyone’s mind is how to handle the SEO of a mobile compatible website and how much of extra effort would go into it. — Well the answer to it is, not that tough.

Today a new genre of services have opened up with services where companies develop both mobile websites and also formulate a mobile SEO marketing strategy so that you don’t miss out on reaching out to your clients or any possible business.

Well, to everyone’s respite there is not much of difference in the SEO that happens for a website on desk top to that of the website being viewed on a phone. The basic logic is same in both the cases, where we do the keyword selection and optimize the website for these keywords. However, the process of shortlisting the keywords for the website will be little different. Let’s ponder over a few points:

1. Keyword selection is very critical

When a person searches on a mobile, he searches with a different psychology, his search is too specific and mostly one word searches. The keyword search here will be 25% shorter than the normal keyword phrases that are used in a normal keyword search. In fact it might alter your entire SEO marketing campaign too.

2. Content will be short and crisp

The content that one reads on the mobile has to be short and of a few words. The user has time constraints and space constraints too, so this aspect needs to be exploited where lesser words in a more effective way needs to be presented.

3. Have to be connected to the social media

In the present time, people trust social media more and the reviews there about things more than even the word of mouth reviews. This is actually a present day fact. Thus, it has become utterly essential that you need to be there on the social media circuit so that people give their review and impressions about you. This will surely add to your business in gaining momentum and will silently advertise you too when people will talk about you there.

Well, mobile app development is the trend of the times, not just development but the entire marketing and business scenario has changed. Keeping pace with the times we need to exploit and make the entire mobile optimization process profitable and work to satisfy our needs.

We are an IT solution company with a one-stop solution for all your IT related requirements. We can help you out with Designing, Developing, and Marketing of your Mobile Apps, Websites, and Software.




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