Kapiti Man Running Ring of Fire Ultra Marathon in Support of Cancer Research Trust NZ

Cancer Research Trust NZ
4 min readFeb 25, 2020

On Saturday, March 21st, Kapiti local Chris Martin is set to tackle one of New Zealand’s most unforgiving endurance races, the Ring of Fire Ultra — a 72km solo circumnavigation of Mount Ruapehu — in support of cancer research and in memory of his friend Alice.

When Alice Kirkwood-Cudby was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) three years ago, her friend Chris knew she had a long and difficult road ahead of her — he is now running his own marathon in her memory.

“I hated cross country running as a child, so it might seem odd to some that I’ve signed up for 72 kilometers of it around Mount Ruapehu,” said Chris.

“But that pails into insignificance when I think of the strength Allie and her family have had to find over the last three years after she was diagnosed with Leukemia — I’m running every one of of those kilometers in her memory.”

Chris and his family became friends with Alice and her husband Neil a few years after moving to the Kapiti Coast from England in search of a better life for their family.

“We shared weekends away, birthday and fancy dress parties, BBQ’s, Friday nights at the boat club… the usual kiwi get-togethers. Allie and Neil became part of our Kiwi family,” explained Chris.

And after suffering a heart attack in 2016 and finding himself on the operating table, Neil and Alice were among the first to rally around his family, which is why when Alice faced her own adversity, in the form of a cancer diagnosis, Chris knew he had to do what he could to help.

“I remember not really knowing how to feel… I was sad, angry, worried, just a whole heap of emotions, but above all I was just trying to work out how we could best support Allie and her family,” said Chris.

After a year of being in and out of hospital, Alice’s family received some good news that she had gone into remission, and with each month hope increased that she had beaten it. Unfortunately, after a year Alice relapsed and the leukemia returned.

Over the next few years, Alice underwent a multitude of treatments including stem cell transplants, full body radiation, chemotherapy, blood and platelet transfusions, and chemical trial drugs and things again started to look up.

Chris, Liz, Alice, and Neil

“She put up such a fight for 3 years, constant infections all while dealing with the emotional and physical strain on her and her family, and she always honestly had a smile on her face,” said Chris. “This is the first time that I have been so exposed to the impact that cancer has on people, this closeness, just seeing the battle she and her family had with this terrible disease has made me want to try and do a little more to help.”

Having already entered the Ring of Fire Ultra, Chris decided to use the opportunity to raise money for cancer research.

“My wife Liz was looking at which charity to support and the Cancer Research Trust NZ jumped out at us,” he said. “The first story we read was about their recent grant to Dr Andrew Das who is looking into new treatments for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. It seemed like the obvious choice as Allie was diagnosed with it.”

Cancer Research Trust New Zealand Director Dr Douglas Ormrod is grateful for the support.

“Cancer research is incremental — it’s a marathon, not a sprint,” he said. “Day by day we’re making progress and we’re finding new ways to tackle cancer and extend people’s lives and that’s why the awareness and funds become so important.”

“ As every dollar donated to the Trust goes directly to supporting cancer research projects, the public plays a direct role in enabling us to ensure that the most promising cancer research initiatives in New Zealand, like Dr Das’ AML treatments, receive the funding that they need,” said Dr Ormrod.

To donate to Chris’ campaign, see his fundraising page here.

To learn more about Cancer Research Trust NZ go to www.cancerresearchtrustnz.org.nz



Cancer Research Trust NZ

Cancer Research Trust is a registered Not-for-Profit organisation dedicated to providing funding to support New Zealand-based health professionals & researchers