My wife has cancer

Cancer Husband
2 min readJul 18, 2023


My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. She’s 39 years old, and we have two young children together. The bare facts are these: She has two ‘grade 2’ tumours in her right breast, which need to be removed, then she will need radiotherapy and endocrine therapy. Chemo might be needed if the above doesn’t work. An MRI scan later today will tell us more about the specific nature of the tumours, and will inform a full treatment plan. It’s a shock.

I’m starting this blog because I’ve always found writing, particularly about my own life, to be therapeutic. I have a sense that I’m in extremis, and I’d like to capture the details, process what’s going on, and share that with anyone that’s reading. This probably sounds a bit self-absorbed — It’s my wife that’s ill — But I’ll go ahead with writing anyway, because I have no lens but my own, and because thoughts and emotions are bursting out from me, and I need to catch a few, making them real, here on our shared screen.

I’m a work-from-home professional, working in marketing for a giant firm you’ve heard of. I’m writing this on my company’s clock, so will stop now, and come back when I have something to say.

