Munish ChandelOAuth2 protected resources in Rest Assured TestcasesThere are different Grant Types in OAuth 2.0, most common of which are:Jun 27, 2019Jun 27, 2019
Munish ChandelCreating AWS Lambda in Kotlin using Spring Cloud FunctionIn this tutorial we will use Spring Cloud Functions (version 2.x) in Kotlin to create and deploy a simple AWS Lambda.May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
Munish ChandelRun method on application startup in Spring BootSpring Boot provides different mechanisms to run a specific code at Application Startup: ApplicationReadyEvent, CommandLineRunner and…May 23, 20191May 23, 20191
Munish ChandelWhat are four basic principles of Object Oriented Programming?There are 4 major principles that make an language Object Oriented. These are Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Polymorphism and…Aug 15, 20188Aug 15, 20188
Munish ChandelWhich data type would you choose for storing currency values like Trading Price?Float & Double are bad for financial (even for military use) world, never use them for monetary calculations. If precision is one of your…Aug 14, 20182Aug 14, 20182
Munish ChandelSingleton Design Pattern and how to make it thread-safeSingleton is mostly considered an anti-Pattern, because it brings inherent complexity to the system in terms of testing. Only DI frameworks…Aug 2, 20182Aug 2, 20182