My Resting Face Was Saying Bad Things So I Decided to Smile More: Here’s What Happened

Candace Kastanis
1 min readMar 17, 2023


I know this is super weird to talk about, but it’s been sort of a thing for me. I’ve been told by so many I look mad when I’m not. I can feel so peaceful and content, yet my facial expression conveys something altogether different.

So I’m embarked on a self-challenge quasi experiment. I decided I would smile ( teeth showing) most waking hours of the day.

Here’s what I learned:

  • It’s fun.
  • My face hurts. A lot. Seriously.
  • The world seems to be smiling back at me.
  • I laugh more.
  • Everything appears lighter. I don’t take anything serious or as intense as I used to.

Admittedly, it’s an easy way to awaken my spirit and raise my frequency. It’s also making me feel approachable and loving, which matters to me. I want the people in my life to feel the love I have for life and them.

Here’s to an old girl learning new tricks👍❣️

Thanks for reading. And smile on. I triple dare you!




Candace Kastanis

Random-thoughts in real time; A outlet without design or function; Imperfect English/Grammar as it is just me talking in spurts for >3 minutes.