Can a White Man Win against Trump?

Candice Aiston
8 min readApr 17, 2019

There is a commonly accepted myth in American politics at the moment that tells us we are not ready for a woman president and that our best bet to beat Trump in 2020 is for the Democratic Party to nominate a white man to run against Trump for president. The myth is so pervasive that the media focuses most of its attention on the white male candidates running, which is not surprising given that white males make up the bulk of the media reporting on politics, but not a single white male running for president has put forth more policy proposals than any of the four women Senators running for office. That media focus has in turn created an effect where polled voters prefer white male candidates over any of the women or men of color — after all, most Democrats’ top priority is beating Trump. A recent Iowa poll had former Vice President Joe Biden first, Senator Bernie Sanders second, and Southbend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg third, which is absurd when you consider that Biden is nearly 80 and has lost two primaries in the past, Sanders is nearly 80 and lost by almost 4 million votes to Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Buttigieg has only ever served as mayor of a small town, losing a statewide seat for treasurer and a bid for Chairman of the DNC. Another favorite white guy is Beto O’Rourke, a former Congressman who recently lost a Senate race to Ted Cruz.

