Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Should Clap Back Against Catfight Narratives

Candice Aiston
3 min readDec 31, 2018
image via The Hill

I wish that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had put a stop to the catfight narrative that emerged a few days ago between her and former-Senator Claire McCaskill.

Women are eager for solidarity with one another within the Democratic Party. That is why it is disappointing that Ocasio-Cortez took the media’s bait to lash out at McCaskill not much more than a week after Ocasio-Cortez herself said, “One disappointment about DC is the gossip that masquerades as ‘reporting.’”

McCaskill did an interview with CNN in which she made some controversial comments about the newly elected representative. As per usual, the parade of reporting took snippets of what she said and created clickbait headlines that the public and the Twitterverse salivated over. Ocasio-Cortez is not new to this phenomenon and has decried it when the reporting has been about her own words.

But the thing is, if you actually watch the McCaskill interview, it is clear that while she may have worded her views quite crassly, the intent attributed to her is totally blown out of proportion.

McCaskill was discussing what she views as extreme Democrats. As examples, she gave: a person who said that the president should be assassinated, people who protested by breaking windows, and people who confront politicians…

