The Tea Party Was a Failure. Why Would the Far Left Want to Emulate It?

Candice Aiston
7 min readMar 12, 2019

The far left has been pushing an idea for a while that it would be beneficial for them to adopt the methods of the Tea Party in order to gain power and promote far left ideals. But the Tea Party has largely been a failure, so this approach makes very little sense if the goal is progress toward far-left ideals.

For example, a recent Politico article has Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN) comparing the far-left movement to the Tea Party in a positive way. She is hardly to first to espouse this idea, and this article is not about her in particular, but about the idea that the Tea Party is worth emulating. From the article:

Omar embraces the comparisons between the Squad and the Tea Party. Despite the obvious philosophical differences, the models are strikingly similar: a two-term president leaves office with unfulfilled promises to the ideological core of his party’s base; that core base is galvanized by the election of the other party’s president; two years later, in that president’s first midterm election, the energy of that core base helps the out-of-power party retake control of Congress.

What remains to be seen is whether Democrats follow the comparison to its natural conclusion, with the insurgent activist wing swallowing up the party’s establishment. It’s a thought that paralyzes…

