Facebook Messenger’s Location Sharing

Candice Poon
2 min readSep 17, 2017


Location sharing has been really beneficial for my friends and I during our time in college and post-grad. Common scenarios for us include: a friend moves to a new city and wants a deeper sense of security walking back from the subway, someone going to happy hour with a new group of work friends, etc. While we do not have Find My Friends Sharing activated 24/7 between us, we still desired a solution that would allow us to share our location for specific scenarios.

I have no idea what MojiLala is

Enter Facebook Messenger location sharing. I’m not sure how many users actually know about this feature since it’s buried under a thousand other features that Facebook wants to cram into Messenger, but it’s there when you tap the “+” next to the camera button.

My friends knew I was safely eating fish tacos at Bahama Breeze.

What I like most about is that it’s a) it’s inline and within the context of the conversation, b) temporary, and c) cross-platform. The common sequence of events is that a friend will let me know in the chat what their plans are and then enable location sharing with a preview showing up in-line of our chat. There’s no need to leave the conversation to check that it’s on and working like I would have to in iMessage. Since it’s only for an hour, we appreciate that our phone batteries won’t drain with GPS being used for long durations. Messenger being cross-platform also makes it really easy for iPhone and non-iPhone friends to use it.

So next time you’re looking for a quick way to share your location with a friend, I recommend you open up Facebook Messenger.

