Beach Body Workout: Full Body Workout Routine and the Benefits of Working Out on the Beach

Candi Harrison
4 min readFeb 28, 2019


Along with a full body workout routine, the benefits of working out on the beach are enticing and will benefit your, physical, psychological, and sociological health helping you to feel at one with the earth. A full body workout routine targeting your arms, core muscles, legs and glutes.

This beach body workout routine is a full body workout, focusing on cardio, arms, core muscles, gluteus, and legs giving you a step by step guide to obtaining a more fit, healthy and toned body. Fun in the sun, beach waves, surfing, swimming, and relaxing at the beach is not the only thing to reap from being at the beach, but also working out on the beach has therapeutic benefits on your health. While being on the beach has its benefits, always remember that if you’re out between 11 AM and 4 PM that the sun is quite strong during this time frame so be sure to wear sunscreen and bring plenty of water. Be aware that If you have injured a foot or leg lately, walking, running, jumping or working out on beach sand is not a good choice because the asymmetrical, unbalanced surface can present a risk for further muscle strain or other injuries. See below for a full body workout routine you can do on the beach or anywhere with no equipment.

Benefits of Workout Out on the Beach

Going to the beach is much more than just a relaxing time to soak up the sun and enjoying the waves. You can also use it as your personal gym! There are many health benefits of working out on the beach. The “blue space” of the environment leaves a therapeutic role on your overall health, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA RESEARCH PROGRAMME 2014–2020 Green and Blue Spaces and Health: A Health-led Approach). This can be due to the zen-like color hue of blue and a study published in the American Association For the Advancement of Science’s Journal, established that the color blue is correlated with an increase in creativity. Working out on the beach utilizes more muscles with less impact because when the sand is moving beneath your feet, your feet are landing on a softer surface as opposed to the pavement. This also builds your body strength by balancing muscles and coordination, where you can feel at one with the earth. Due to the many free electrons that counteracts, sea air actually boosts your immune system. The salty air will also contribute to fighting depression and mood disorder because of the negative ions; “Negative Ion Therapy”. Not to mention, the increase in calorie burn is another benefit due to : Sand = Resistance + Full Range Of Motion. Overall, Working out on the beach creates a different kind of catalyst for your body.

List of Benefits of Working Out on the Beach

  1. Increases your calorie burn
  2. Builds your body strength, balancing muscles and coordination
  3. Less Impact | Sand = Resistance + Full Range Of Motion
  4. More Vitamin D, lowering blood pressure, supporting your immune system, and helping with rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. Therapeutic effect from the ocean waves and the “blue space” surrounding
  6. Sea air boosts your immune system
  7. Salt air fights depression and mood disorder (“Negative Ion Therapy”)
  8. Good for your Brain


Source: Candi Over the Horizon: Full Body Workout Routine

Beach Body Workout: Full Body Workout Routine

1. Stretch/Warm Up

  • Breathe in and exhale slowly while stretching

2. Cardio

  • 20 Jumping Jacks

3. Arms

  • Big arm circles forward 15–20 times
  • Big arm circles backward 15–20 times
  • Hold arms straight out for 5 seconds
  • Bring arms up and down 15 times
  • Arm circles in front of shoulder’s/chest outward and inward 15 times
  • Hold arms straight out for 5 seconds
  • Come down to the ground slowly and do Tricep Dips 20 times

4. Core

  • Flutter kicks 20 times
  • Leg Scissors 15 times
  • Stretch

5. Legs & Gluteus

  • Mountain climbers 20 times:
  • 1. Start in a traditional plank — shoulders over hands and then bring your right knee forward under your chest, engaging your core
  • 2. Switch legs and gradually pick up the pace
  • Reverse leg lifts 20 times, each side:
  • 1. Begin on your hands and knees
  • 2. Straighten out your leg and lift it high, engaging your core, squeezing your gluteus and keeping your toes pointed and switch leg

A study published in the American Association For the Advancement of Science’s Journal, established that the color blue is correlated with an increase in creativity.


Source: Candi | Full Body Workout Routine


