Candy Prisms
4 min readJul 3, 2024


I Need a Break

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

I need a break. Something has to give, right? I don’t like complaining about my health, but it’s been non-stop chaos since I had my second surgery.

Starting off, I had surgery June 18th. We had planned for it, and had goals placed for where I should be by this point in recovery. I told the nurses in the hospital, hey I have quite a bit of mucus in my lungs, I don’t think this is normal. I was pretty much brushed off, so I figured it was just from being on the vent during surgery and it would clear up. If only I would have known better, as those goals would be pushed and changed.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

First, a week after getting home, I developed a fever that just wouldn’t break. I ended up needing to be seen, only to find out I had a kidney infection. I was put on a five day round of macrobid to clear the infection, and told it would help my fever too. I told the doctor about how I was still feeling mucus in my lungs, and was brushed off again. He didn’t even listen to them. Thankfully, this was a walk-in clinic and not my own doctor, so I can just not go back.



Candy Prisms

Mom | Writer | Invisible Illness | Small Business owner | Books and book reviews | ADHD rambles