Candy Keane
1 min readSep 16, 2019


Excessively ridiculous ’80s cartoon? Watching it now, yes. But to an 80s kid, He-Man was awesome. I would totally go see that movie if it comes out, lol.

I grew up a nerd and later learned to embrace it and this whole pop-culture nerd obsession has certainly helped. I still love Star Wars and am even on the cover of a documentary called Jedi Junkies, about fans that may well be “those crazy assholes you hear about.”

I get the whole thing about being a nerd (or geek) now and feeling the need to clarify. But as for the people crapping all over things we love, there’s no need to be sucked in. Even with all the moaning and groaning about GOT final season, I still enjoyed’s GOT. There’s too much good in it to scoff at the whole series just because they weren’t able to please everyone.

I’m a nerd, and I’m out and proud about it.

P.S. you’re not a nerd if you flip out over a packet of sauce, you’re just an asshole.



Candy Keane

Blogger at, cosplayer, crafty seamstress, gamer, mom and all around geek