Chronos syndrome and its impact on professional growth

Candy Marte García
2 min readJan 7, 2019


In Greek mythology, Cronos overthrew his father Uranus and, worried that he would be overthrown in the same way by his children, Cronos ate them from birth. In the organizational scope, the term “Cronos Syndrome” has been defined as the profile held by some executives, management personnel, managers and team leaders, in which they impede the professional growth of their team with fear of losing their position in the company. company and such as Cronos, they devour anyone who can become a threat to their position.

Cronos syndrome is a managerial condition that must be identified, combated and eradicated from any area of the company in which it is located, because it potentially affects the 5 basic premises of human capital management: productivity, communication, identification, conduct and motivation.

Companies that have administrative staff with this syndrome (especially small and medium enterprises) tend to have constant resignations from their employees, low productivity and internal conflicts frequently. People who are under this syndrome usually have the following characteristics:

  • He does not share the achievements with his team, taking all the credit for himself although his contribution has been minimal.
  • Tends to constantly highlight its superiority.
  • It shows little or no value to the work done by your team.
  • He does not delegate responsibilities, he makes sure that he has functions that only he can perform.
  • He has less efficient people in his team than him to strengthen his value in the company.

In conclusion, in addition to the damage caused by this syndrome to the company and its employees, it potentially affects the person who suffers it, since in addition to having a bad employment relationship with their colleagues, it is hardly taken into account for other positions due to that his fear of being displaced leads him to be the only one with “the skills” to perform certain fixed responsibilities, which prevents his professional growth in the company.



Candy Marte García

A highly focused woman, passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. Project management lover.