How to Draw Pie Chart

Canvas 2D Context—GSOC 2019

Caner Akdaş
1 min readAug 1, 2019

Pie charts allow us to create meaningful data in many areas, in this post I will explain how to create a pie chart quickly and simply.

Creating a Pie Chart

Those object that we will use as a reference when creating a pie chart;

Create a canvas and specify the 2d context.

Since the basic form of the pie chart is in the form of a circle, first of all, create a circle that will be a reference.

Need to split the 360-degree circle into 100 slices.

Use the last position of the slices as the starting point of the next slice.

Pie chart ready to use!

You can access the details of the parameters of the 2d context methods used from the links below.

