Metaverse Explained: Send to multiple recipients

Sven Mutzl
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

In version 0.3.3 of the Metaverse lightwallet we introduced the option to send ETP and MST to multiple recipients in a single transaction.

To add a recipient just press the “add recipient” button. You can of course also remove recipients from the list by clicking on the X in the top right corner of the recipient block.

The transaction fee gets calculated by the number of recipients. The formula is 0.0001 ETP x number of recipients.

In the “sent to many” section you can now define up to 1000 recipients. Even more convenient is the csv import. You can import any file that has the following structure:


In the advanced options you can also download the current configuration as a CSV file so you can prepare your transaction first and later import it or to save it as a documentation of the transaction.

As a result you can see that the generated transaction contains one output for every recipient block of the form.

