70 Must-Know Firebase Tips and Tricks to Supercharge Your Development Journey

Proven Strategies to Optimize Your Firebase-Powered Applications

Enigma of the Stack
8 min readOct 29, 2023
Photo by Nicole Wolf on Unsplash

Firebase is a powerful platform that offers a wide range of features for building web and mobile applications.

Whether you’re new to Firebase or have been using it for years, there are always tips and tricks to help you make the most out of this versatile platform.

In this article, we’ll explore 70 must-know Firebase tips to improve your app development experience.

1. Use Multiple Firebase Projects

When building a serious app, consider creating two Firebase projects: one for development and one for production. This separation allows you to test and experiment in a sandbox environment while keeping your production data pristine.

2. Enable Google Analytics

Firebase can set up analytics for iOS, Android, and the web automatically. Make sure to configure Google Analytics for your project to gain insights into user behavior.

3. Manage User Permissions

Assign roles and permissions based on the principle of least privilege to ensure team members have access…



Enigma of the Stack

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