A Comprehensive Guide with GPT-4 to Building a Link Redirection Service

Discover how to use GPT-4 to build your link redirection service and monetize your website.

Enigma of the Stack
6 min readMar 27, 2023
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

As an experienced software engineer, I embarked on a mission to delve deeper into the capabilities of AI in development tasks.

Although my initial foray into building a small typing game with Chat GPT left me unsatisfied, motivation from peers and your feedback prompted me to give it another go. This time, I successfully constructed a link redirection service using Chat GPT, with the AI responsible for about 90% of the code.

In this article, I will take you through the journey of building a link redirection service with Chat GPT. I will share the tricks I learned and the challenges that I faced along the way.

Describing the Requirements

The first thing I did was describe my requirements carefully and in as much detail as I could. This is where I applied the first trick that I learned: to tell Chat GPT to ask any clarifying questions before starting work.

The next trick I learned was to pre-frame it to act as a back-end developer, and then we were off to the races. Chat GPT only asked me four qualifying questions, and they were…



Enigma of the Stack

🎧 Tech Lover, serving up innovative insights on coding and productivity hacks for developers 💻. Connect with me 👉 https://linktr.ee/codecircuit