Jonathan Payne
1 min readDec 13, 2016


The people questioning CH’s advice on women supporting women based on HRC’s supposedly fatal “character flaws” have no moral high ground to stand on because we’re talking about Donald Trump on the other side of the equation.

So maybe the thing CH also needed to say in this message was, “First, don’t be such a sucker.” The people who voted against HRC because of the horrific misuse of email servers (yawn) eagerly lapped up a bunch of overblown nonsense force fed them by the likes of Fox News. Yes, it’s boring to state the obvious, but there you have it. Go ahead and deny it if you must.

There is no conceivable way to justify raising an incompetent and arguably and demonstrably horrible person to the highest office in the entire world, so please stop trying to justify it.

Meanwhile, I have a daughter and I have seen first hand how girls and then young women and even older women treat each other. It is incredibly sad to see beautiful innocence turn mean due to a society they were born into. It’s similiar to how right-wing media convinces poor people to vote against their own interests, but in this case, the women have been taught by society to treat each other horribly, while trying to get the attention of men who objectify them, while complaining that all men do is objectify them.

It’s the ultimate bad joke and the joke is on them, and I regret its existence every single day.

