Jonathan Payne
3 min readMar 4, 2016


You can blame people for your lot in life, and it might even make sense. For example, a lot of today’s angry and desperate white people in this article can blame Reagan and the GOP for a lot of their plight, as well as Bill Clinton for NAFTA and all it’s done to our society.

But if you blame people because of the color of their skin, something they cannot control, then you are ignorant and/or a coward. Full stop.

Maybe I didn’t understand this article and I admit I couldn’t bring myself to read ever word of it. But if I understand the author, the idea here is, Well I may be in a piss poor situation, and barely treading water, but at least I am not black. And sorry, that is just sad. Actually, it’s pathetic. And Trump is dialing into those feelings of resentment for previously privileged, but not well-educated, white people who suddenly aren’t living in the world they thought they were born into. And that makes Trump an opportunistic pig. If Trump were actually doing anything to improve the situation, other than coded words for “We’ll make American right for white people again”, well that would be one thing, but as far as I can tell, from here in England, all that comes out of his mouth is complete nonsense.

The fact that so many people are focusing on the wrong thing (black people are taking away my white privilege) rather than the truth (rich white men have conned me out of my white privilege) is a big joke, and the joke is on them. And the joke will be on the rest of us if a despicable man like Trump comes to power in the United States.

So, Sorry, you are stupid if you support Trump. He’s is unsuitable for the office in almost every way, he is the polar opposite of Obama, who is the the most mature politician of our age in the face of the most blatant political nonsense I have seen in my lifetime. Trump does not want to help you, he has no idea how to help you, and he may have no actual interest in helping you either.

The people who argue over Clinton vs. Sanders really should try to stay civilized about it. Sanders are Clinton both want to move the country in the same direction. Sanders wants to get there sooner, Clinton wants to get to the same place, but she knows it’s not possible. The kind of things Sanders wants to do will require removing a large number of republicans from office, and that isn’t going to happen until redistricting is done by mathematicians and not politicians.

Sometimes it’s tempting to say that none of this matters because we live in a plutocracy and the entire process is corrupted to the core by money. And it’s true: there is no correlation AT ALL between what 99% of the people want, and what actually becomes law. There is almost exact correlation between what the 1% want and what becomes law.

However, one must never forget that there are still huge differences between today’s Democratic party and today’s GOP. Today’s GOP is the party that hates science, ignores facts and evidence, is divisive and has been for years, and has cultivated a following of like-minded people. We do not want somebody like that in office.

