Configuring Github badges for a Scala project

Pablo Cano
3 min readApr 5, 2019


Hello everyone! This is my first publication and I hope you find it helpful. Today I have developed a quick Scala project with Akka-HTTP a small CRUD API. You can find my code here if you want to check it out

Once your project is done, you just need to configure your repository with Travis CI. All you need to do is adding a config file named .travil.yml like this:

# configuration for build badge
language: scala
# configurations for codecov badge
- 2.12.8
- sbt clean coverage test coverageReport
- bash <(curl -s

After that, you need to create or update a like this:

# Akka-HTTPRepo for testing and playing with Akka[![Build Status](]([![codecov](](

Make sure you replace the bold font with your own GitHub username and the name of your repository.

You are going to need to create a file inside project directory with the name plugins.sbt

and add the plugin for the codecov.

addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.5.1")

After that, you just need to follow Travis’s instructions panel and activate the repo.

Once you have everything ready, all is left to do is commit and push your changes to Github. When Travis finishes with the build, you should be able to see your new badges ready in the

In the panel, a complete description of our test cases and all the code they cover.

And that's everything :)

You can use my code as you wish here is another link to the repository that I used for this quick tutorial

I hope you enjoy this tutorial! :)



Pablo Cano

A young developer passionate about software development and new technologies, I love programming in Java and Scala. I am fascinated by Big Data technologies.