Lindon B. Cano
2 min readSep 20, 2022


Classroom of the elite episode 12 is arguably the best episode of the season 2 and even the entire series thus far. Spoilers Ahead

It showcases Ayanokoji’s Strength both in mentally and physically. This was the first time Ayanokoji truly fought someone else. He did face off with the former student council president in season 1 but all he did was block. Episode 12 was when he truly showed us a glimpse of what he’s capable of, beating three men and easily knocking out a girl.

Based on what I know of Ayanokoji’s skillset, he could have easily knocked out four of them but decided to prolong the fight with Ryuen.

Knocking out the three was logical, he was quick and precise landing necessary blows but with Ryuen, he intentionally let him have the upper hand or let him think that.

He knew Ryuen would be relentless even if he loses the fight, so he didn’t just have to beat him physically but also needed to break his spirit, instill fear in him.

Ryuen would constantly go for psychological threats to Ayanokoji while they fight, trying to make him seem cornered, he might win this day but how about the next and the day after that.

But alas, Ayanokoji is unfazed and up untill the very end Ryuen was hoping to get a rise from Ayanokoji but he remains unfazed, that’s when Ryuen felt fear. Knowing that there’s nothing he can do to faze this monster before him, throwing both physical and mental attacks at him.

I enjoyed this episode very much because of the build up and pay off. I’ve learned emotional control and regulation is important, no matter how many insults or emotional tactics Ryuen throws at Kiyotaka, he’s just chill. It’s a good thing to apply in real life.

And I would like to point out that no matter how Emotionless Ayanokoji seems, he does care about Kei. Because like Ryuen said, the most logical thing he could have done is just abandon her, concealing his identity.

But he went in to fight and save her, in the final moments of the episode he says that He’s okay with this. I haven’t read much in the LN but I know that they became a couple so I’m looking forward to that as well.



Lindon B. Cano

I write stories and perspectives about life we can use to learn and live better as well as ways to have better relationships in our lives.