Lindon B. Cano
2 min readSep 20, 2022

Attention is what a woman needs, romantic attention is what a man needs, but if you give a woman too much of what she needs she won’t have the need to give you yours.

In dating and relationships there is a certain dynamic that all men need to know and what I’ve learned is if you easily give a girl your attention, she’ll see you as weak and low value.

You have to put value on your attention and only continue to put out attention and effort when she reciprocates.

There is a saying that distance makes the heart grow fonder but the opposite is also true, familiarity breeds contempt. Never complement her too much, or shower her always with gifts. This might be logical that if you treat her always good then she’ll be good as well but it isn’t the case.

Instead, you should learn to punish her when she does bad things, be busy from time to time. Call her out when she makes a mistake and create consequences for bad actions.

The space needed for her heart to grow fonder can only be created when you have something greater than her, a purpose. Whether it be a job that you like, a business you’re building, or writing your own novel.

It has to be something apart from her that you genuinely care about, this is the easy way to create the healthy space in the relationship because if you’re available 24/7, what are you doing with your life. It means you have nothing interesting going on outside of her and that’s repulsive to girls.

That is why you should always strive for more in your life, never stop growing because not only is it fun, it’s also the thing that will keep your relationship from crumbling apart. Nothing is more attractive than a Man is in his purpose.

That’s what will naturally make your attention scarce, and scarce resources are valuable. If you always give her flowers then she’ll see it as normal and take it for granted. But when you give her things only once in a blue moon, she’ll appreciate it a lot more.

I’m not saying be rude or be an asshole, no, that’s not the way. You should do nice things to a girl when she deserves it, the reason there are simps and people that are friend zoned is that they give girls attention they don’t deserve. They give these pretty girls so much attention, gifts and even money just for being pretty and they wonder why they don’t get girls.

Girls appreciate it much more when they felt that they earned a Man’s attention because it means that, that Man is high value.

So don’t give them too much, give them what they deserve.



Lindon B. Cano

I write stories and perspectives about life we can use to learn and live better as well as ways to have better relationships in our lives.