Lindon B. Cano
5 min readAug 31, 2022


It’s true that in this age Men have gotten weaker not just in the physical sense but in their mentality. The men I’ve seen around me have been dominated by their wives, work jobs that get them nowhere, and many men today are out of shape.

I’ve listed five reasons why Men today have become so weak that it is now needed to addressed.


There is a saying, hard times create strong men, strong men create good times and good times create weak men. Our era is so much better than the previous generation, despite the many problems we’re facing, the resources and knowledge we have far exceed what our ancestors had.

Food and water is so abundant, air conditioning is available, the internet and the vast accumulation of human knowledge is in our fingertips in our phones. The level of comfort we have is astounding, but this also has drawbacks.

Because of the good times we experienced, men today have gotten lazy and is willing to settle for a mediocre life because you can live without really being strong. You don’t have to hunt or even take care of animals, you have the grocery store. You don’t need to go to the river or well to get water, you have it in your faucet. Things have become so easy that it’s become hard to be strong.

The only way Men can become strong is if they chose for themselves that living a life of greatness is better than mediocrity. My personal reason for becoming strong and aiming for something higher is because I know what I feel like to be poor.

I didn’t grow up with the internet or even a cellphone. We had times when we ate salt on top of rice because we didn’t have enough money to buy anything else. I don’t want my future life to look like and neither do I want my children to have that kind of life.

You may have a different motivation than mine, but I urge people to find a reason to be strong because not only does it ruin one person’s life but the people around you.


There are people who grew up without a father and that’s a tragedy. But there are also people who had fathers but weren’t really father figures. They were irresponsible, always drinking, had dead-end jobs and didn’t really provide a good example.

The majority of weak men today usually had no strong father to lead them. They were weak because no one taught them how to be strong.

Society is headed toward separating families today with divorce rates rising and women who chose to be stay-at-home wives being shamed. The result is just the next generation suffering.

Children need to be led by responsible and capable fathers who choose to have children not just forced because they had to. Father’s need the recognition they deserve for the crucial role they play not just providing for their families but guiding their children towards the right path.


Men today are taught to think like women. Don’t offend anybody, just follow the rules and be a nice guy. This results in the emasculation of men where they think this is truly the way to live.

We are taught to just follow the program and not think for ourselves. There’s a specific pattern that we’re told to follow, go to school, get a job, get married and retire. And if we try to do something else we are shunned.

There’s just this misinformation going around the world that isn’t really the case in reality. Like most of us are taught this is how you live a good life but when I look at the people who follow that pattern they aren’t so happy. There are people who genuinely enjoy their work but I would bet more than 50% hate their job and life right now.

I’m not trying to abolish the current system because it has its benefits what I am encouraging is for Men to think for themselves and what will make them fulfilled.

I’ve gone through a stage where I thought about whether I want a normal life and it just doesn’t sit right with me. I want an outlet where I can channel my energy and where I am the driving force of that activity not just a person following a set of instructions.


The consequence of a mediocre life is nothing. You live your life pretty much peacefully even if you don’t make it far you’ll still have enough to survive. Sure life will suck but it probably won’t reach a point where you feel like dying.

Back when people were in tribes, people had to be strong to be able to hunt and fight. Invaders would come and you would fight them off, weak men wouldn’t survive. Nowadays, weak men can walk around and be even called brave for doing almost nothing. I’ve heard of participation trophies, what’s that? You get congratulations for just being there.

Society rewards us for making it to the 1st grade to second grade, I thought it was stupid because isn’t that what you’re supposed to do. That’s not how the real world works. School kinda distorts our perception of reality because we tend to celebrate things that aren’t really a big deal and we neglect things we should focus on.

You don’t get rewarded for showing up to your job, you’re rewarded when you do consistent work and at the end of the month, you get a salary, not a celebration.


We need to own our situations whether it’s good or bad. We may not be the one responsible for starting but we are now responsible for continuing it. You didn’t chose to be born or to be poor, but it’s your responsibility to get you life in order.

Some people had no father, some had disabilities, some were born in a bad neighborhood, we all have to deal with it. Men who complain about their situation because they had no control over it aren’t men, they’re children. I know because I’ve been one, expecting things to be handed for me until I decided to wake up.

Victim mentality is one of the worse things to plague mankind. It ruins families, lives and ultimately stops men from ever reaching maturity. There are people who are genuinely had been in situations to no fault of their own but just because it’s not your fault does not excuse you from taking action to get better at it.

If you’re poor you can’t blame your parents or the government for it, why, because that won’t help you get rich. What will help is when you stop bitching and start working about it. Study or get a job, do anything but complain, I did complaining and it got old so fast. I realized that this is going nowhere and decided to shift gears.

I tell my stories, try to make money, exercise and other things that will better my life. The opposite of Victim mentality is taking responsibility of your life and not putting the blame on others.



Lindon B. Cano

I write stories and perspectives about life we can use to learn and live better as well as ways to have better relationships in our lives.