Canonical Ledgers June 2018 Update

Canonical Ledgers
2 min readJul 2, 2018


Another month has gone by in the Factom ecosystem and Canonical Ledgers is continuing its progress in preparing for late summer/early fall onboarding and beginning to work on projects that contribute to the community. We have some exciting updates this month.

Company Stand Up

At this point we have finished standing up our company on both the business and infrastructure side and are ready to be onboarded once our turn arrives. We have our banking and exchange accounts set up but will not receive Factoids for a few months still and in this current bear market plan to only sell the minimum required to cover taxes.

This month Sam began working full time in the Factom ecosystem, bringing CL’s total full-time staff count to three. We are all excited to be able to work full-time on projects related to Factom.

Guide Election

Canonical Ledgers was elected to be one of the five Factom Guides tasked with stewarding the protocol and community as it matures into a robust and fully decentralized network. Sam Vanderwaal was elected to represent CL as a Guide during the election at the beginning of June. We are honored to have been chosen by the community for this position and we’ll work hard to represent the community, steward the protocol, and guide it towards full decentralization.

Factomize Project

This month we are wrapping up development of an add-on to the popular Xenforo Forum framework that secures all threads and posts with Factom. We partnered with Factomize, LLC. to develop this for use on the Factom community forum that they run and expect it to be deployed mid-July. The project demonstrates the feasibility and low cost of adding immutable audit trails to existing software using Factom and will result in daily entry credit use via the Factomize forum. We are pleased to be working with Factomize on this project and are evaluating the potential of offering this software to other Xenforo forums to increase entry credit usage and introduce more people to the Factom protocol. If it’s popular we’ll consider designing add-ons for other forum software.

That’s it for this month. Keep watching this space for future updates!

