Adding icon launcher for Postman Native App in Ubuntu

Shubham Aggarwal
1 min readNov 4, 2017


Postman Logo

The postman google-chrome app will be deprecated in the late 2017 (as of Nov 5, 2017). This requires for installation of the Postman Native App which is not a very big deal. You just have to download the tarball from there website and extract it in the directory of your choice. But if you are like me and want a clean graphical interface for launching the app, then this article is for you.

  1. First of all download the postman logo from here.
  2. Place it inside the downloaded Postman directory.
  3. Now two things can occur here. Either Ubuntu will directly create launcher icon for you or you might have to do it yourself.
  4. Check if Ubuntu has created one for you else go to /home/[your username]/.local/share/applications. Create a file ‘postman.desktop’ (without the quotes, obviously). Copy the following content in that file.
[Desktop Entry]
Path=/home/[your username]/Postman
Exec=/home/[your username]/Postman/Postman

5. This works in Unity and GNOME desktop environments. If you work in other desktop environment, add your environment name in OnlyShowIn field with a semi colon at the end, just like the one above.

6. That is it. You are done!



Shubham Aggarwal

Hacker, Builder. Blockchain, ML & DL, Web. Give me a problem and I will give you atleast a partially working solution. “canoodle” on codeforces & topcoder.