Brighten Up Your Holidays with Permanent Christmas Lights

Canstar Lights
5 min readJun 12, 2023


Home decorated with Christmas lights

Thinking about how to make your home stand out? While traditional Christmas lights are a popular choice, have you ever considered installing permanent Christmas lights? Not only do they save you the hassle of putting up and taking down lights every year, but they also add a unique touch to your home’s curb appeal. With permanent Christmas lights, you can enjoy the festive spirit without worrying about weather damage or tangled wires. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of permanent Christmas lights and how they can transform your holiday decor. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can make your home shine bright this holiday season!

Benefits of Permanent Christmas Lights

Permanent Christmas lights are an investment that pays off in many ways. First and foremost, they save you the hassle of putting up and taking down lights every year. Once you install them, they’re there to stay, and you can turn them on and off with a switch or remote control. Secondly, they’re more durable than traditional lights, which means you don’t have to worry about weather damage or tangled wires. Thirdly, permanent Christmas lights use LED technology, which is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. This means you’ll save money on your energy bill while reducing your carbon footprint.

Cost Comparison: Permanent vs. Traditional Christmas Lights

The cost of permanent Christmas lights varies depending on the size of your home, the type of lights you choose, and the installation company you hire. However, in the long run, permanent Christmas lights are more cost-effective than traditional lights. Traditional lights have to be replaced every few years, and the cost of buying new lights can add up over time. Moreover, traditional lights consume more energy, which means higher electricity bills. On the other hand, permanent Christmas lights use LED technology, which lasts up to 50,000 hours and consumes 80% less energy than traditional lights.

How Permanent Christmas Lights Work

Christmas lights use LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs that are strung together with a durable wire. LED bulbs are highly efficient and long-lasting, making them ideal for permanent installation. The lights are powered by a transformer that converts the electricity from your home into the correct voltage for the lights. This transformer can be installed in your attic, basement, or garage, depending on the location of your electrical panel.

Types of Permanent Christmas Lights

There are two types of permanent Christmas lights — warm white and multicolor. Warm white lights are similar in color to traditional lights and give off a cozy, inviting glow. Multicolor lights, on the other hand, offer a more playful and festive vibe. You can choose the type of lights based on your personal preference and the overall aesthetic of your home. Additionally, there are different types of LED bulbs, such as C7, C9, and mini bulbs, which vary in size and brightness.

Installation Process of Permanent Christmas Lights

The installation of permanent outdoor Christmas lights requires the expertise of a professional. The first step is to schedule a consultation with an installation company. During this consultation, the company will assess your home’s exterior, discuss your preferences, and provide you with an estimate. Once you agree to the estimate, the company will schedule the installation. The installation process typically takes one to two days, depending on the size of your home. The lights are attached to your home’s eaves or roofline using clips and screws. The transformer is then installed in a safe and accessible location. Once the installation is complete, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your new permanent Christmas lights.

Maintenance and Repair of Permanent Christmas Lights

One of the best things about permanent Christmas lights is that they require minimal maintenance. However, like any electrical system, they may require occasional repairs. If you notice any issues with your lights, such as flickering or dimming, you should contact your installation company. They will send a technician to diagnose and repair the problem. Additionally, you should clean your lights periodically to remove any dirt or debris that may accumulate on the bulbs. You can use a soft cloth or a duster to clean the lights.

Decorative lights hanging at the house

Best Places to Install Permanent Christmas Lights

The best places to install permanent Christmas lights are areas that are visible from the street but are not exposed to the elements. The most popular places to install permanent Christmas lights are the eaves and roofline of your home, windows, and trees. You can also install lights around your front door or garage door to create a welcoming entrance. Additionally, you can add lights to your backyard or patio to create a cozy outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions About Permanent Christmas Lights

### How long do permanent Christmas lights last?

Permanent Christmas lights use LED bulbs, which can last up to 50,000 hours, making them highly durable and long-lasting.

### Are permanent Christmas lights energy-efficient?

Yes, permanent Christmas lights are highly energy-efficient. They use LED technology, which consumes 80% less energy than traditional lights.

### Can permanent Christmas lights be customized?

Yes, you can customize your permanent Christmas lights to match your personal preferences and the overall aesthetic of your home. You can choose the type of lights, the color, and the size of the bulbs.

### How much does it cost to install permanent Christmas lights?

The cost of installing permanent Christmas lights varies depending on the size of your home, the type of lights you choose, and the installation company you hire. However, in the long run, permanent Christmas lights are more cost-effective than traditional lights.

Conclusion: Make Your Holidays Brighter with Permanent Christmas Lights

In conclusion, permanent Christmas lights are a great way to brighten up your holidays and create a unique and festive look for your home. They’re more durable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective than traditional lights, and they require minimal maintenance. You can customize the lights to match your personal preferences and the overall aesthetic of your home. So, why not make your holidays brighter with permanent Christmas lights?



Canstar Lights

Looking for Permanent Christmas Lights? Canstar offers customizable Holiday Lighting solutions for homes & businesses.