After the Quake — Haruki Murakami, Depremden Sonra

Cantekin Celikhasi
2 min readNov 29, 2023


Firstly, I don’t say this is exactly an overview of this book because I don’t have enough literal skills. These are just some simple notes.

I read the English version translated by Jay Rubin, it is about 132 pages. There were six different short stories revolving around the 1995 Kobe earthquake, and all of the characters were ordinary Japanese people.
The language of the book is quite beautiful eloquent and simple but there is great meaning under the words. Each story told the same thing in different ways. The author knows how can touch your soul with words, this is an amazing thing.

There are different fictional things such as the big fighter frog, the UFO, the bear friendship, the loneliness of people and so on.

The Stories; UFO in Kushiro, Landscape with Flatiron, All God’s Children Can Dance, Thailand, Super-Frog Saves Tokyo, Honey Pie.
All of the stories impressed me except Thailand, this may be my language skills or I could not be focused. To sum up, I found many things inside my life, my mistakes, my desires… because I am an ordinary person too..


Merhabalar, bu bir kitap incelemesi degil sadece kucuk bir not tutma aliskanligi olsun diye kendime edinmeye calistigim bir hobidir, elestirye aciktir :) Ayni zamanda platformdaki ilk yazim.

Kitabin ingilizce versiyonunu okudum, turkce versiyonu sanirim henuz yok. Ancak kitabin dili oldukca basit ve akici, toplamda 132 sayfalik 6 kisa hikaye iceriyor. Hikayeler Kobe deperim etrafindaki donuyor ve siradan insanlar konu aliyor. Tabi gercek ustu kisimlar da yok degil.

Ufo mu dersiniz, deprem olmasin diye dovusen koca kurbaga mi, ayi dostugu mu, insanlarin yalnizligi mi, fedakarligi goz ardi edilen insanlar mi.. Okunulasi bir eser.

Hikayeler ; UFO in Kushiro, Landscape with Flatiron, All God’s Children Can Dance, Thailand, Super-Frog Saves Tokyo, Honey Pie. Thaiand haric diger hikayeler beni farkli sekillerde yakalamayi basardi. Yalnizligi, durtuselligi, fedakarligi, aski ve siradanligi.. Bana siradanligimi oldukca derinden hisettirdi diyebilirim.

