Newsletter #4

Hello from our CEO

Published in
7 min readJun 1, 2018


Again it’s been an incredibly busy period; hiring and training up the team (we now have 25 full time staff (not including community moderators) as well as getting into a weekly release cycle for our CANApps. The team has released four CANApps (decentralised applications in the CanYa ecosystem) as well as full crypto integration into We have signed on additional partners, and were listed on another exchange and have participated in conferences all around the world. We ran a hackathon, participated BlockEngine’s blockchain startups in Melbourne and donated our first tranche of CAN to our charity partners.

Our team is incredibly focused to build up a decentralised ecosystem for peer-peer services and we have a lot of exciting things on the horizon; with more CANApp releases, more partners and more contributions to the community. The CanYa team is very happy to be supported by our fantastic community, and will continue to boldly build and show the world how decentralised technologies will disrupt legacy business models and return value to users.

JP Thor — CanYa CEO

Development Updates:

The CanYa Alpha:

On the 20th of April 2018 the CanYa Alpha was launched to the community! Anyone in the world can now find, book and pay for digital services with our 20 Pioneer providers.

The Pioneers were a group of 20 hand chosen, top quality digital service providers from all over the world. They are available to be booked for services and will help the development team build the best possible platform for the world of digital services.

You can watch how this YouTube creator got his channel’s graphics completely re-designed by using one of our awesome pioneers:


We want to create an entire suite of CanYa tools that can be used by our freelancers inside of the CanYa ecosystem. This will be achieved through our awesome CANApps. These apps are also designed to help newcomers navigate through the cryptocurrency space as one of CanYa’s goals is to help spread the meaningful adoption of cryptocurrency.

Last month we launched the first four CANapps:

  • CANInvoice — A free, easy to use invoice creation tool for all CanYa users
  • CANStation — An easy to use tool to help people set the correct gas fees when interacting with the Ethereum network.
  • CANShare — (previously CANTransfer) — an amazing tool that uses IPFS to allow people to transfer large files (up to 100GB) across the internet free of charge!
  • CANTrack — Simple, effective, time management software that allows records to be kept immutably on the blockchain.

There are also many more exciting CANApps in the pipeline to be released over the coming months!

Bountysource by CanYa:

This month was also a massive milestone for Bountysource with the addition of crypto bounties and smart contract auditing to the platform! This is a massive space in today’s cryptocurrency market and Bountysource aims to leverage it’s 50,000 developer community and brand power to become the go-to place for crypto bounties and smart contract audits.

The Largest bounty in Bountysource History:

Education First has revived a three-year-old Mozilla bounty that has sat dormant on Bountysource. The mammoth bounty immediately got traction in the community and as per writing this update developers are working around the clock on solutions.

This particular bug, the Mozilla Firefox WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) issue which relates to the lack of support for NTLM/Kerberos authentication in Firefox. What this means in native English is that users are unable to capture & stream audio/visual media.

As progress continues we will update the community on both the solution and the process of the developers. Bounties of this size are rare in the open-source community, and so naturally, they create intrigue when someone starts plotting a solution.

Given that we are huge supporters of an open-source future, we are very excited about the prospect of more large companies using services such as Bountysource to solve open-source software issues. We will continue to update the community on the progress of one of the biggest open-source bounties in the world.

Community Updates:

Charity Winners

As outlined in the CanYaCoin Asset Contract, we will donate 10% of the unsold tokens from our ICO to a charity pool. The charity pool is intended to go towards charitable organisations, to support for-purpose projects in the Web3 space, and to contribute to education in software development to support the growth of the blockchain and Web3 projects.

The winner of the inaugural Charity Vote was AidCoin, coincidentally a project focused on making donations more transparent by linking the contribution to a blockchain.

The AidCoin solution is very important due to the social distrust with the allocation of charitable funds in recent times. Charities have a tremendous role to play in the improvement of the most vulnerable, but it will only be a viable method if people can be assured that their money is getting to the places and causes it was intended to go.

We are delighted to help power the AIDChain platform as it aims to make the nonprofit sector more transparent.

Binance Dexathon:

Last month CanYa also hosted a Dexathon with our good friends TypeHuman and Consensys to solve the Binance hackathon problem of creating a truly decentralised exchange. We had a great turn out amongst the Melbourne blockchain development community and some very impressive solutions were proposed and potentially some will be implemented!

The weekend refreshments were taken care of by the legends at Young Henry’s who kept everyone sane as they worked deep into the night all weekend.

Team Updates

New additions:

Cam previous to working at CanYa was a Telstra Solution Architect and also the tech lead on data visualisation for the Bureau of Meteorology. His favourite programming language is Go, and he hates windows (Mac fanboy). Cam will be working on core development infrastructure across the CanYa ecosystem.

Alex is a skilful front-end developer with wide-ranging interests, originating from Northern Ireland. With a foundation in web development, he is now committed to the decentralised future having recently realised the utility of blockchain tech. Alex’s primary focus will be on core front end solutions within the CanYa ecosystem. Prior to CanYa Alex worked for NEC.

Keely is a multidisciplinary creative, currently applying this mindset to help CanYa to create better user experiences. Before starting at CanYa, she worked as an Architect, leading cross-functional teams to deliver education, retail and hospitality projects across Melbourne. In her spare time, Keely volunteers as the People Ops Lead at TEDxMelbourne.

Chinese Office Established:

Team members Monika & Jim are now based in Beijing. They will be engaging with the Chinese cryptocurrency community to grow CanYa’s presence and brand awareness in China. In addition, they will also be building a team on the ground that will include front and back-end developers, as well as an advertising team, focused on the nuances of the Chinese market.

We aren’t in a position at this time to comment about, however, we can confirm that we take the China market very seriously hence the establishment of an office in Beijing.


The CanYa team have been present at the following conferences spreading the CanYa vision:

  • Token 2049 — Hong Kong
  • Kinetic Capital Summit — Hong Kong
  • OkEx leaders summit — Hong Kong
  • Catalyze — Korea
  • Deconomy — Korea
  • JD & Community events — Beijing
  • Block 72 — Shanghai
  • World Blockchain Summit — Dubai
  • Community & Partner meet up — Singapore
  • World Digital Asset Summit — Singapore
  • Ethereal — New York
  • Token Summit — New York
  • Consensys — New York

For all the latest news and updates follow us here:




The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace