Cao XiaoTian
1 min readMay 26, 2024

programmable modular amalgamated mechanical statistics






inquire inspire requite

choose conscious confrontation

feely numb indifference

transactional tesselating temporality

tacit torque transmission

core floor moore

form function frequency

emagination emote ellicit

sway away noway

interactive resonant ideas

concentrated inertial amplitudes

immediate involuntary intent

continued committed charge

selective sonated sounds

potential substance influence

pure essence container

sustained standardised concurrence

computational coded correlations

denote denomination drive

x x x

resolve balance destination

core wavelength induction

meld mend meanders

calm chill collected

repair reinforce construct

protection rejuvenation rest

truth faith devotion

disturbed disgusted deviated

shy sly seamless

sculd scrape scare

obtuse obscene obligatories

based basic bassist

stabilize disrupt harmonize amplify diminish stretch twist structualize instruct blend emerge split multiply swap instill inverse envelope clear flay concentricize charge swaft glide zound annul inspire guide confluence broadcast absorb resist reflect deflect deject swirl sphere slant layering succession slop attic

streamline sweet surrender

the root goes through the crack!




why war death poverty news

Glitch Stabilized in Settings.

parallel physicality phasing