Humans and Seasons

CA Parth Rajani
2 min readSep 5, 2016

Evolution has been the foundation of everything we know,

Yet the Humans have always failed to understand so.

To operate in a comfort zone is not a good thought,

And without embracing changes, even the best minds rot.

Water when stored for long loses its essence and daze,

The Empty Human mind without a direction becomes a Devil’s space.

To not change one, there could be a thousand reasons,

But to go otherwise, we can take cue from Nature and its four seasons.

The Nature starts with Spring, waking from slumber and infusing newness in the air,

The Human mind refreshes itself with new ideas and infuses the body with energy that is rare.

The actions coincide with the thought, the seeds are planted and one is raring to go,

It is a fast phase, where there is lot of learning and opportunities to grow.

The second phase is brought by Summer, a bright enjoyable stage garnered with smile

When work and recreation are balanced together, they make you go that extra mile.

The Sun, takes away all shadows, erases the darkness with its stroke of art,

This is the time when there is vitality beaming in the heart.

The Season culminates into Autumn, with the aim of recounting the blessings that it got,

The Human mind complicated with all its activities that it bravely endured and fought,

Now it should realize, the Darkness inside is also its friend like the Light of Summer that made its soul lit,

This Balance is brought by Autumn, which is needed to nurture and purify it.

The final conclusion is brought about by Winter signifying the recluse and hermit

This is a time for a monologue and introspection to assess your actions and its every bit.

There is time when silence is needed more than words and Winter gives you that chance,

It helps to gain purity and clarification in thoughts and the inner voice improves your stance.

Nature has always been a great teacher and friend,

The Human mind too needs to adapt itself to this process from start to end.

So, this is my advice friends, bring a balance in your life work hard and have great fun,

And always remember, To get what you never had, you have to do something you have never done!

