Capella Finance — Public Testnet Launch

Capella Finance
4 min readJul 14, 2022


Decentralized finance (DeFi) is an emerging financial technology based on secure distributed ledgers similar to those used by cryptocurrencies. The system removes the control banks and institutions have on money, financial products, and financial services. DeFi is the next step on our road to a revolutionary economy, and it is only a matter of time until smart contracts take over the existing financial infrastructure.

Although DeFi does indeed defy all financial market norms, navigating the DeFi space is far from simple. Thousands of smart contracts are being deployed on dozens of different blockchains every day. More and more financial solutions, protocols, and services are emerging, representing the cutting edge of the economy, but only a few have true access to them. And that’s where we come in.

What is Capella Finance?

Capella Finance is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) which is building a technology that will unify all Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols under one simple mega-protocol. The Capella platform is built with the main focus of identifying, analyzing, and interacting with the best DeFi yield optimizing protocol investment options (known as vaults) on any blockchain in order to provide its users with the tool they need to navigate the DeFi space as investors. In other words, our mission is to build a Google Search engine counterpart for the DeFi and become the world’s gateway into the future of the economy.

We offer the optimal features that best suit our investors.

  • non-custodial, as assets are deposited to and deployed automatically via smart contracts, and users always maintain 100% ownership of their funds and can retrieve them at any time;
  • trustless, as assets are algorithmically deployed through the specifications laid out by Capella pool strategy’s smart contracts;
  • permissionless, as no signup, whitelisting, account verification, or otherwise is required to participate in the Capella ecosystem;
  • censorship-resistant, as users can always interact with the smart contracts directly, which fundamentally cannot be taken down or tampered with;
  • open-sourced, as any developer is welcome to build with Capella Finance, which, in fact, is highly encouraged and heavily incentivized;
  • fraud-resistant, as Capella’s ecosystem minimizes the risk of fraudulent activity typically associated with bordered, custodial, trusted, permissioned, closed source, and censored platforms; and
  • easy to use, as Capella’s user interface was designed to be as seamless as possible with one-click deposits and withdrawals, plus mechanisms for portfolio tracking and miscellaneous Capella Finance metrics.

Liquidity pools

We currently offer our depositors three liquidity pools to best suit their income and fulfill their needs:

  • Stable Pool: our Stable Pool consists of various Stablecoin pools across trusted platforms on different blockchains to optimize returns and ensure diversification. In order to achieve the best APY, your profits are reinvested daily with funds constantly being re-allocated to the better performing pools to maximize your APY, which we target to be above 25% per annum.
  • Coin Pool: this pool provides a medium risk/medium reward opportunity for users, which consists of BTC, ETH, and USDC and currently targets above 15% annual APY but also offers a potential upside on the value of the assets themselves.
  • Dex Pool: Dex Pool: this pool consists of top 10 blockchain tokens by market cap, including BNB, MATIC, and FTM among others. By picking the top 10 blockchains we ensure the pool always remains within the most trending and best performing assets. DEX pool targets over 60% APY as well as a potential upside on the value of the assets, which in current market conditions presents a great entry point. Our users don't have to manually create many different wallets, top-up gas fees, and monitor all the protocols themselves; Capella does it all for them.

All of our pool profits are reinvested daily and constantly optimized to achieve the best APY for our users, while also funds always remain diversified as well.

Public Testnet Launch

Today, we are happy to announce the launch of our public testnet, where we welcome everyone to participate and enjoy Capella features. We encourage users to test as much functionality as possible including depositing into different pools, referring people amongst other features. We would also like to note that it is still a beta, and things may not be perfect yet, so we would highly appreciate your feedback on your experience of using the protocol which you can share with us on our discord and in the feedback form which we will make available shortly. Reassure yourselves; most active testers will be rewarded accordingly!

Total Ambassador and Testnet rewards

Capella has reserved up to 3% (300 000$) of the total supply for airdrops to reward our loyal community and early adopters. Testnet users will retrospectively receive $CAPE token rewards for their active role in testing the protocol, the size of which will be determined by factors such as value deposited across all pools, the length of the deposits, number of legitimate referrals and feedback provided.

Roadmap update

Q3: Launching public beta and testnet

Launching Private round 2 — you can join the whitelist on our website

Q4: Targeting public round and listing end of Q3/beginning of Q4 depending on market conditions

Launching mobile version of our platform

Adding more blockchains to the protocol

Q1/2023: Transitioning into a 100% decentralized protocol

Introduction of new pools



Capella Finance

We Find & Maximize Vault Strategies. Find and deposit funds in the best performing vaults in the market at any given time