How to Evaluate Performance of Accounting Company

Capital Financial Network
2 min readAug 10, 2018


Many people decide that they need an accountant to help handle their personal or business finances. Utilizing a firm can be a great way to keep track of your cash, assets and investments. An accountant can help you prepare for taxes and utilize deductibles and programs you very well may have otherwise not known about. A firm is also a great way to develop a plan for the future, but sometimes finding an accounting company in Los Angeles can be hard work. Here we’ve put together some tips on how to find a great accounting firm in Los Angeles.

Word Of Mouth As with many things, you can find a good firm through asking your friends, family and colleagues who they use for tax prep Los Angeles. Most people have an accountant or firm that they know and trust. These are often the firms that you will want to go to though it’s important to remember that your needs may not be the same as the needs of your friends and family. You may need someone to help you prepare your taxes and structure your small business’s finances while your friend recommends you to a firm that almost strictly does tax prep. If multiple people recommend a particular firm to you that can be a good sign of one to try.

Research Going online and looking up different accountant firm’s websites and reviews is a great way to develop a list of firms to give a call. Once you have a list together of a couple of firms that you’ve heard good things about, start to give them a call. During the call, you should have a list of questions you want to ask them. You also want to discuss with them their services in general. You should always make sure that any firm you are looking at is certified and reputable.

Meet With Prospective Accounting Companies Once you have narrowed down your list to maybe two or three accountants, start to take meetings with them. It’s important to keep in mind that this will be the beginning of an important and long term relationship. While you don’t necessarily have to be friends with you accountant, they should be someone that you trust and get along with. An accountant is not just someone that does your taxes, but someone that helps you structure your business or personal finances for success. They’re someone that can really play a pivotal role in helping you reach your future financial goals. You want to choose a professional, friendly and experienced accounting company in Los Angeles like Capital Financial Network.

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Capital Financial Network

Capital Financial Network has an array of services including accounting, tax, real estate, loans, insurance. Visit