What Comes After FinTechs?

1 min readAug 12, 2018


What Comes After FinTechs? Capital Now Calgary accounts receivable financing
Photo by Francisco Gomes on Unsplash

The short answer is Regulation Technology.

RegTech will be the next hot technology, following on the acceptance of the fact that FinTech, in its various forms, is here to stay.

RegTech, that is, staying in compliance with the regulators that represent Banking and by extension, National interests, means a few things:

It will be compulsory (my favourite kind of business opportunity) because National and Banking interests are being threatened, existentially.

Specifically, Banks & Nations themselves are in jeopardy of being trivialized, or as Peter Diamandis likes to say, Democratized, Dis-intermediated and Demonetized.

The FinTechs have finally awakened the Giant.

Read more here.

Originally published at Capital Now Inc.

