Capsule House Curated: III

Capsule House Lore
5 min readAug 2, 2022


Yokai Tower by Camila Nogueira | Animation & Sound Design: Catarina Silva | Music: Purrple cat — Neon Tiger

Camila Nogueira: Yokai Tower

Twitter | Instagram | SuperRare | Website | Proposal | Linktree

Camila’s SuperRare Bio: Portuguese artist based in the beautiful Porto city, Portugal. At the moment, my focus is on reinterpreting places with a magical vibe and creating surreal worlds I would love to live in. My visual narratives take us to the beauty side and make us look at life with a more joyous and dreamy perspective :)

Camila first popped up on my radar when Cloud9 was released. The music, the sound effects, the vibrant color, and the feeling it provoked within was unlike anything I had felt since joining the “art” world. It took me in from the start, allowing a moment of escape, and into a whimsical world free of the hustle and bustle, and stress, everyday life can bring. As you dig into her portfolio, you will find every piece does this. An alluring vision of fresh positivity in each hue and every detail.

The same can be said for Camila as a person. While I’m sure, like everyone, we all have doubts and insecurities, Camila’s positivity and reassurance radiates off her like the morning sun. Always inquisitive, always kind, joining our community, updating them, showing off her beautiful artwork with a “GM” everyday. I do not believe this is forced. This is just Camila, being Camila, and I can only hope she continues to be this way forever, because she’ll bring smiles to everyone with her glow and artwork. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, kindness, and care in what I find to be one of the best pieces of art I've come across in this space.

Please enjoy getting to know Camila Nogueira:

Tell us a little about yourself? Inspirations?

I’m a Portuguese artist born and raised in the beautiful Porto city. Since 2015, I’ve been working as a digital artist and developing commercial illustration projects, working with big international brands, music labels, and also making time for my personal work and shows. At the moment I’m focused on reinterpreting life with a magical vibe and creating surreal worlds I would love to live in. Life is a beautiful mystery, but it has a lot of tough moments. With my visual narratives, I want to make people look at life with a more dreamy perspective :) My aesthetic is inspired by the Franco-Belgian artists, Japanese woodblock prints, cartoons from the ’90s, and by all Studio Ghibli’s animations. Nature also plays a major role in my work: I love trees, animals, and how everything was so beautifully created.

What brought you to Web3/NFTs?

I first heard of NFT’s in Oct 2020 because a friend sent me a link with incredible art (it was Superrare but I didn't know that at the time!). It was only in Dec 2020 that I had some time to sit and look through that platform again to try to understand what was happening. When I learned about blockchain tech and what it all meant for digital artists I was hooked. 2 weeks with very little sleep and too much excitement. Then I applied to SuperRare, got in, and started sharing my art on twitter and meeting incredible artists, collectors and enthusiasts. Its been an amazing rollercoaster ever since and I am super grateful for the NFT Space. Although, I was already make a living as an artist, this changed my life :)

Your vibrant colors bring a feeling of happiness, longing to be there, how are you able to create this feeling when sometimes it’s a landscape or cityscape?

I try to see beauty in every corner. Life is a mystery and everything is magical and precious, but we sometimes forget about it because we get wrapped up in routine. How I bring magic into everyday places is mainly through the use of color and surreal fantasy elements that bring me joy, while combining them with real elements and places everybody can relate to.

What about capsule house drew you in?

The love this community has for art and how much art focused you all are. With capsule house, the flipping and the floor price talk does not happen. The Asian vibes you all have also drew me in because my main inspirations come from Asian/ Japanese culture. This was a collab made in heaven for me. Thank you guys, much love for all of you!

We really appreciate you immersing yourself in our lore. What is your favorite part of it?

I’m loving it. Magpie is the best eheh. My favorite part atm (we are only on the 4th chapter) was the plot twist in Nami’s character. In the first chapters I was not expecting her to be a prankster and I love it! I can relate with that personality trait, because we are both little rebels eheh. Can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!

What’s on the artistic horizon for you?

ATM I’m working with 2 big NFT projects and waiting response from 2 “web2” clients. A lot is going on all the time eheh :) But I don't like to make real long term plans, because life is so unexpected. The only long term goal I have, despite the projects that I may or may not get involved with, is to keep creating and connecting with my community. Through my art I will keep pushing the message that, despite all the adversities, life is beautiful and totally worth living and enjoying every second of it.

I want to thank Camila for taking the time to chat with me and always being available and intuitive in regards to the piece and the community. It has been an absolute joy. Please check out the amazing prints she set up for the piece as well at her Shop.

Author: TheLastBaron | Twitter

What is Capsule House Curated?

Capsule House Curated is a community funded collection that curates pieces from large and small artists to help grow the artist’s platform, pay them for their time and talents, and expose the community to wonderful art they maybe haven’t found or could not afford. We create a proposal on our forum page, give time for feedback, if its positive, we put to a vote, and if passed the artist gets the green light to create. Each piece is minted at a low cost of .01-.03, 25% going to artist (on top of original commission price and secondary royalties) , 50% back to community treasury, and 25% to the Capsule House team for IP and dev. You can find our collection here.

