Travel and Reading: A Perfect Pair for Exploration and Imagination

Capt. Ambrish Sharma
3 min readJun 7, 2023


Travel and reading are two powerful tools that have the ability to transport us to different worlds, both real and imaginary says Capt. Ambrish Sharma. Whether we embark on a physical journey to new destinations or delve into the pages of a book, these experiences allow us to broaden our horizons, stimulate our minds, and ignite our imaginations.

Travel opens the doors to new cultures, landscapes, and perspectives. It offers us the opportunity to step outside of our comfort zones, embrace unfamiliar surroundings, and immerse ourselves in the richness of diverse traditions. From the bustling streets of a vibrant city to the serene beauty of nature’s wonders, every journey presents a chance to learn, grow, and gain a deeper understanding of the world.

Similarly, reading offers a gateway to infinite possibilities. Through books, we can explore different time periods, encounter fascinating characters, and embark on thrilling adventures. We can be transported to far-off galaxies, historical eras, or even dive into the depths of someone’s inner thoughts. The written word has the power to evoke emotions, provoke thought, and challenge our beliefs, fostering empathy and expanding our intellectual capacity.

When travel and reading intertwine, a remarkable synergy occurs. Before embarking on a trip, reading about the destination can enhance our understanding and appreciation of its history, culture, and people. It allows us to make connections with the place on a deeper level, creating a more meaningful travel experience. Conversely, when we read books set in different locations, we can develop a sense of wanderlust and inspire our own future explorations.

Reading while traveling further enriches our journeys. As we sit on a train or plane, a book can transport us to another world, making the travel time fly by. It provides a form of escapism, enabling us to relax, unwind, and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the journey. Moreover, reading allows us to observe and absorb the local culture as we delve into stories set in the very places we are visiting, enhancing our understanding of the destination and creating a more immersive travel experience.

Beyond the practical benefits, the combination of travel and reading offers profound personal growth. It encourages us to question our preconceived notions, broaden our perspectives, and challenge our own beliefs. Through exposure to different cultures, ideas, and narratives, we become more open-minded, empathetic, and adaptable individuals.

In conclusion, according to Capt. Ambrish Sharma , travel and reading are a perfect pair for exploration and imagination. Whether we embark on physical journeys or embark on literary adventures, these experiences have the power to transform us. They fuel our curiosity, expand our knowledge, and inspire us to embrace the world with wonder and an insatiable thirst for discovery. So let us pack our bags and open our books, for the journey of a lifetime awaits us at every page turn and at every destination.



Capt. Ambrish Sharma

Capt. Ambrish Sharma: A tennis enthusiast, avid reader, and travel aficionado with a passion for driving. Embracing life's diverse experiences.