“The Future Has Female” — TO Women In Tech

Cara Rosales
3 min readJan 20, 2020


Women have always been looked down upon throughout the years in any field that is male dominant. “ Women can’t do the same thing Men do”, well things have changed. There is a growing rate of females as well as individuals from LGBTQ+ community, in the technology industry, and often these people still face discrimination BECAUSE of their gender. TO Women in Tech is a movement that neutralizes the workplace cultures in technology to address intersectional gender inequality.

As a UI Designer my partner and I started with the Inception Sheet, a tool used to get a sense of direction of the design using elements such as shape, movement, mood, colours, space and our why.

Inception Sheet

The Why is simple, again we wanted to showcase a responsive web design that neutralizes the workplace cultures in technology to address intersectional gender inequality.

Since TOWIT currently has a design system, we used this system to reference and fill in the other elements on the inception sheet. Overall, we knew the platform would display an empowering and futuristic mood that would be minimal and geometric as well as interactive.

The next step in our process was the mood boards, we wanted to visualize the overall mood of the design.

Mood Board

I felt like this was the best representation of the design we wanted out of the other mood boards that we created, it emphasized a lot of copy yet still minimal, energized and vibrant.

Although the we had a design system to follow, we didn’t want that to limit our creativity. So, for the processing steps, I didn’t want to showcase a dull 1–2–3 step process. This process is the start of a user’s mentorship journey whether they are a mentor or mentee, which is also the main highlight of the site. I decided to add the lines flowing around the steps to make it more appealing to the eye.

1–2–3 Step Process — Design

The Final Design

Marketing Pages

There is a lot of information that users will see which is why we wanted to keep it simple, easy to read and easy to follow, especially in the mentorship section of the platform. Mentees or Mentors will be able to navigate with ease to connect with their perfect match. Now realistically mentors/mentees aren’t always a great match at first, which is why users are able to request certain options that could narrow down the right match as well as a 15-minute screening call to see if you are compatible. Overall the design is very dynamic, bold and strong.

Mentor/Mentee Pages

