How can you find a Photographer for Your Fashion Blog?

CARA Vison
2 min readJun 28, 2019


When you look at your favorite blog or Instagram, They seem to have it all: the theme, cute subjects, and the composition. Each article has the perfect photos curated just for that article. Seeing all these photos just makes you want to be their friends.

The question is how they get so perfect and non-posed photos. The simple answer is a Photographer. Photography is something that makes look your blog awesome and an essential part of the blogs. Without beautiful pictures, a blog can look like a textbook. It can be a bit hard for someone to find the right photographers at affordable prices.

Well, you can find the professional photography agency New York to get your photographer. You’ll get the best photographers from the photography agency in New York.

But there are other ways to it as well and here are some of them.

How to find a photographer for the fashion blog


The best way to go about is collaborations, it is the best friend of the blogger. This is the way that both parties can get some benefits and create something unique in the process. It is a cost friendly way of finding what you are looking for.

Benefits of Collab — There are many positive impacts of working with a photographer and vice versa. Both of you will get publicity from that and express your creativity and experiment with different styles. The photographer gets a chance to shoot a model and build a portfolio, and the blogger gets beautiful and perfectly timed photos. You can also build a great partnership and friendship with them that can go a long way.


This is one of the ways to find aspiring photographers who are looking to get a chance to work on something great. You just have to check the locations tag and hashtags of your favorite photos.

It may be possible that you can find a genius near your area. If not then you can use their styles in one of your photos. There is a good chance that you’ll find someone who is looking for some work or a chance to collaborate on something great. They’ll get model for their Instagram photos and you’ll get a great photographer.

There are much great photography agencies in New York, so finding a photographer won’t be a tough task for you.



CARA Vison

CARA Vision is a professional photography studio located in the heart of Manhattan.