LP Staking Launch & TrustSwap Liquidity Lock
5 min readFeb 11, 2022


Dear community, thanks again for your support as we are excited to release more news about our upcoming Liquidity Provision Staking. This is a big milestone in our development roadmap and an additional positive step forward on our project.

Release of LP Staking

On Sunday February 13th, 2022, at a time to be announced, we will deploy our LP Staking. At the time of publishing this article, it gives existing and new $ZRO token holders about 48 hours to prepare for the launch.

The benefits of launching this LP Staking now, a few weeks after our IDOs, are multiple:

  • This will allow to increase liquidity on our decentralised SushiSwap pool;
  • Therefore, larger and newer token participants will be able to come into our community and purchase a larger quantity of $ZRO tokens;
  • This will also decrease the slippage experienced when larger amounts of $ZRO are bought.

On our marketing roadmap, we have multiple Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) planned for videos in the coming weeks. The release of the LP Staking now before these videos will surely drive a lot of users to our project, and incentivise new token holder to stake as well. Having more liquidity in our pool is a crucial step to prepare for, before our KOLs promote our project.

Benefits of LP Staking

For existing $ZRO token holders, this also means multiple benefits, starting with enjoying more liquidity. Additionally, participants in the LP Staking will earn fees based off of every transaction that happens in the pool. Finally, participants will also be rewarded with our native $ZRO token. We believe this is a strong value proposal, where users will benefit from multiple streams while providing liquidity to our staking program.

We have deeply studied current market conditions as well as additional factors, and weighed them against our technical roadmap. We came to the decision of providing a LP Staking, instead of a “single-side” staking program, in the interest of our users. Our users’ long-term security is always a top decision making factor within our team. Given current market conditions, single-side staking is sure to drive more selling pressure; this would also allow larger token buyers to come in with very large quantities of $ZRO, and monopolise the staking pool, therefore reaping most of the rewards and selling them, instead of providing rewards more fairly to our entire community. We want staking rewards to predominately go to our loyal community, and not to short-term, profit-oriented wallets farming and selling from our staking platform.

How Do I Participate?

Please find below a series of gifs and explanations on how to participate in the LP Staking step-by-step:

  • Prepare an equivalent amount (in USD value) of $MATIC & $ZRO;
  • Head to, select $ZRO token, and deposit the pair $MATIC/$ZRO
  • Receive the corresponding SLP token from SushiSwap after depositing $MATIC & $ZRO;
  • Head to;
  • Deposit the SLP token into our staking platform (if you encounter JSON error, it’s most likely because the token hasn’t been approved yet, either because gas was too low, or you clicked too fast on stake after clicking approve; make sure the approval of the token is completed before proceeding to click stake);
  • Enjoy your rewards with dynamic APR, redeemed every month!

SushiSwap LP Token Video Tutorial LP Staking Video Tutorial

A real-time APR estimate will be provided on the platform for a 1,000 USD equivalent amount staked. The APR will be dynamic in nature, and the platform will reflect this updated value, updated periodically. The number of participants in the program as well as the average value of deposit will influence the APR. We are confident you will be satisfied nonetheless with target APR range that we have engineered.

Impermanent Losses Disclaimer

We always encourage our community to do their own research, and follow the Golden Rules of investing. We cannot encourage anyone to invest in crypto-currency. On this topic of LP Staking, we want to issue a warning on impermanent losses. Impermanent losses happen when a user provides a liquidity pair, and asset prices vary while the liquidity is in the pool. Users might get a different proportion of reward in $MATIC or $ZRO in the future depending on the relative, non-correlated prices of the two tokens. In order to mitigate this, we are providing a system in which users can come in and out of the pool at anytime. Users’ LP tokens will not be locked in the pool. You can refer to this very educational article written on Binance on the topic of impermanent losses.

Long-Term Benefits of LP Staking

We see our LP Staking as a circular, endlessly positive feedback loop, with wins for everyone. Users provide $MATIC & $ZRO, which shows their support for our project. In turn, they are rewarded with $ZRO tokens, but most importantly, this also attracts much larger amounts of $ZRO token buyers to the pool, which further amplifies rewards for each user with every transaction happening on the pool. This will go hand in hand with our efforts mentioned above to work with more KOLs to drive larger wallets to our project. This will also clearly filter some of the large wallets coming to the platform to farm and sell on our platform, without any interest in our long-term roadmap and project overall.

Liquidity Lock

With regards to locking our liquidity, we are glad to announce we are officially working with TrustSwap to lock our liquidity! You can check our liquidity lock at this address (make sure you’re connected to Polygon network). We plan to lock the liquidity for one year, in order to give us room to re-adjust down the road with regards to our product development as well as market conditions to continuously deliver value to our community.

In other news, we are updating our profile on CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, Nomics and PolygonScan. Please check us out there and give us a thumbs up so our program can make its way up the algorithms. Our CEO Bree will be hosting regular Office Hours within our Telegram chat in which anyone can participate and ask her any question in real-time. The more the merrier! We have more exciting news coming from all sides, so make sure to stay in touch with us on Telegram, and Discord soon (which you can already join, and if you are still reading this and motivated to be one of our admin moderators, please contact me directly by email See you there!


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